Happy New Year Bloggers! So much has gone on since I last blogged. It seems so much crazy stuff happens so fast that when I think I want to blog on a subject, a new subject comes along and then I am in a torn on whether I should blog on my first thoughts or my new thoughts. Of course while all this is happening something else comes along and the process starts again. Anyway, I finally narrowed it down for this blog. This blog is in response to a response to an email I sent out last week. I sent an email concerning the new NBC show "The Book of Daniel" about a priest, who has frequent chit-chats with an "in the flesh" Jesus, and his dysfunctional family. For those who didn't get it, basically some church folk are starting a petition to get this show banned. Some are opposed to the shows topics about premarital sex, drugs, addictions, sexual orientations, and any other controversial topic, I suppose. Well, I have not nor probably won't watch the show for a few...