A couple of weeks ago, I told some friends that I had a new reality show that I had begun to watch and they laughed at me. Not because, in general reality shows are garbage (except for maybe The Apprentice and American Idol), but because the reality show I was referring to, called "Meerkat Manor" was about a family of Meerkats. Oh I see, you think that is funny too. Well this is a cool little show so you should check it out. I have always loved animal shows. In fact watching shows about animals is far more interesting than shows about people AND believe it or not, animals tell us alot about how we as humans, the supposedly more superior creature, should live. Have you ever used the term, "dumb ol' animal"? In fact animals are not "dumb" at all, they just do what they do and that is survive. I have learned a few things from animals, even the little Meerkats and I would like to share just a few things: 1 - Sisterhood! - If women would work together, we c...