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Showing posts from October, 2007

Scarier than Halloween!!!

My beloved blog readers, I have not forgotten you! Time, however, stands still for no one. So when I realized I haven't written since July, I felt it is time to let you know what is on my mind. BUT here's the deal, so much has been on my mind since July, if I wrote it all, we'd be here for a while. And since we all got things to do, I will do my best to keep it short and sweet. (Hee Hee, we'll see how that goes...) Well tomorrow is October 31! Happy Halloween to all you who celebrate! See I can say it and I don't even celebrate Halloween whereas, hearing/saying "Merry Christmas" causes some non -Christian folks to suffer a nervous breakdown. It's sad really. I mean, personally I don't find Halloweeners threatening to my lifestyle yet, for some reason, my Christianity is a threat to the others! Wonder why? Hmmmmmmmm! Well, the truth can be scary if you aren't ready for it (or if you can't HANDLE THE TRUTH per Jack Nichalson). Anyway, I even ...