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Showing posts from December, 2008

2009 New Year's Resolution

Blog readers! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and as the new year approaches let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year! I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I were going to write another blog and my answer was sure, if I am so inspired. Well, with the new year approaching, I thought what better way to express myself than put my resolution in a blog. So what is my resolution? It is simple but it is important, I am no longer going to worry about the "haters"! Now I am sure you are asking, "surely Sherry, you don't have haters?" Honestly I don't know if I do or not, but I am serving notice on any past, present, or future ones. As I feel like I need to purge and get some stuff off my chest in order to start the year off fresh! I am not taking anything negative into my new year! No negative vibes and no negative energy! Who's with me? Anyhoo, on facebook, my cousin often uses this expression, "all the haters can go kick rocks!" And I though...