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Showing posts from February, 2009

They are who we thought they were...

Blog readers! Hope all is well with ya! I haven't blogged since before the entrance of 2009, so I know it's late but let me say, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's February so there is still time to make it happy...right? Anyway, my initial blog was on a whole other topic, one for which I even did a bit of research; however, yall know me, anything can happen that will send me off into another direction, as such I have to go with the flow of where my mind leads me. So an avid NFL football fan probably remembers these famous words by Former Arizona Cardinals Head Coach Dennis Green. After his team blew a game after being up by 20 points to the Chicago Bears, he had an adult temper tantrum at the post game press conference. His famous line was, "They are who we thought they were and we let 'em off the hook..." He was referring to the Chicago Bears who later went on to the Super Bowl. Anyway, this blog is not about football, but it made me think about something else...being de...