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Showing posts from May, 2009

Another Level of a Complicated but Full Life!!!

Happy May Blog Readers! Spring is now among us and so is the pollen! Anybody out there suffer with allergies besides me? LOL! Anyway, since I last blogged lots of things have been on my mind but of course time does not afford me the chance to write about it all. But I decided it was time to communicate with my favorite blog readers. Don't know if you remember in my last blog I said, I had something to write about but the "They are who you thought they were" blog was something I was led to write about at that moment. Anyway, can you believe that after all this time, I still have that previous blog in my head and since it's there, I decided to share. (did I just rhyme? LOL)... Some time ago, back in January 09 in fact, I did some non-scientific research to get some clarification on some commonly used phrases. Phrases that I often heard people say and in particular use as a "status" on social networking sites (ex. Facebook) I bet some are saying what is the big...