Blog Readers! Now you know I could not end the year, the DECADE without a shout out, a blog, words of wisdom (ok, maybe I am the only one to think my words are wise) without sharing with my PEEPS!!! You guys are still my peeps, right? Yes, I know my blogs have been few and far between BUT that's going to change in 2011. Oh yes, more of my words of wisdom (there I go again, who do I think I am?) for 2011. So what's changed? Glad you asked. I know you think this is about a resolution to write more. Sort of, but it's more about a resolution to BE WHO I AM! Writing is who I am, it's what I do! So I'm going to do what I do cause it's what I do! How about you? (I must think I'm Dr. Suess! lol!) In all seriousness, I miss writing and I have had so much I've wanted to say. Life Happens of course but I have to thank a few folks who in their own way and unknowingly, showed me why I must REMEMBER WHO I AM (in my Mufasa voice) and be better at it.Thus, the reason fo...