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Hurricane Kat - The Aftermath

Well, I can say this has been one week that I wish could be erased from the history books. I have been so drawn to the stories although it is really made my heart heavy. Of course, the more upset I get about the rescue efforts overall, as individuals, people are really stepping up. So when I feel down about it, I think of the real heros and heroines and I feel better. I have had a lot to ponder over this week and of course I have come to share my thoughts with you all. Because #1- you guys are great listeners and #2 - that's what the blog is for...

Warning - This is gonna be a long blog. I may have to have a sequel and a pre-quel like Star Wars.

1 - I realize that I have alot to be thankful for and nothing to complain about. I mean we thought about the stuff we complain about on a daily basis. Let's say, traffic was heavy this morning on your way to work or wherever. Did you gripe about it? I know you did. Hmmmm...I guess it beats being stuck in a traffic jam trying to out run a Category 4 Hurricane, huh? Imagine being stuck and not knowing if you will get away in enough time.

Wonder if anybody grumbled about having to go to work today after getting a good nights rest? I guess it beats working around the clock for a week with no food, water, and in horrible conditions trying to save lives and being shot at. Not to mention, wading through water filled with dead bodies and diseases. Talk about something to complain about. If these things are not at your place of employment, then all I can say is be quiet and get to work!

Just the other day, I was in Wal-Mart irritated because they didn't have my beloved "LeBleu" bottled water. Why, why, why...was all I could think as I shook my fist at the WalMart security cameras. After my tandrum, I finally and reluctantly picked up some Aquafina. But I guess I should probably be grateful that there was any kind of water for me to drink considering bottles of water in New Orleans are hard to come by and would be greatly appreciated.

Your parents/children/relatives getting on your nerves. Did they drop by unnannouced for short visit? Were you upset? Perhaps they should have piled in 11, 12 deep with all they have in the world, no where to go and no idea of when they were leaving. And guess what, they don't have any money to help pay for anything they use in your house. Imagine! Makes getting ill about a brief unexpected visit sound trivial, huh?

Single women, you know how sometimes you complain about being lonely or when no man pays you any attention...wonder how the young lady felt as she got unwanted attention from young men who tried to rape her when all she wanted to do was survive and then have to watch her brother shoot one of the rapist in the head. Not getting noticed isn't so bad after all, huh?

We get upset when somebody lets out a little g-a-s in our presence which after 2 seconds, it gone. Wonder how we would feel if our whole environment was a neverending stench? Next time, roll down the car window and get over it...

Got anything to complain about? Yeah that's what I thought...

2 - Did anybody see Kanye West's comments? I stayed up as long as I could to hear what he said but fell asleep. But all was not lost because at 4:30 am I woke to hear Kanye say 'George Bush doesn't care about black people'...Ever wake up in the middle of the night and hear something crazy! That was absolutely the funniest thing I could have heard at 4 in the morning. But hey, he said what alot of people have been thinking since the 1st election. However, we say it at home or in the barber/beauty shops but on LIVE NATIONAL TV? If we never see or hear from Kanye again, we will all know why...can you say Jimmy Hoffa? (If you don't know who that is, get a history book)

3 - Harry Connick Jr. is my new best friend!!! I mean I liked him in Hope Floats and my friend/sister Stacy introduced me to the Harry Connick Jr Christmas CD and I thought, he's alright. But bless his heart, he's been down there wading in the toxic water saving people. He's so heartbroken. I just think when tragedy happens, being a celebrity means absolutely SQUAT! So remember that the next, you get caught up in what some crazy celeb does. I mean is this situation, has anybody thought about what Bobby and Whitney smoked or if Tom Cruise jumped on another sofa? You go Harry!

4 - The Governer of LA is not my new best friend. What's up with her saying she needed 24 MORE hours to decide if she need Federal help? HEL-LO? Okay LA citizens, when you all rebuild and move home and it is time to vote...I dare you to re-elect this woman.

5 - Ray Nagin the mayor of Nawlins is probably gonna go missing after this crisis. He cussed out er'body on a radio broadcast. I knew it would not be long before he snapped, because prior to his outburst, he was looking kinda crazy. You have seen those people with that borderline insanity look before. No...okay maybe I only hang out with psychos. Anyway, I am not being mean saying he's gonna go missing, he said so himself. See for yourself:

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said he's feeling better about his city, he feels confident he has gotten the attention of Gov. Kathleen Blanco and President Bush, but he said he fears the Central Intelligence Agency may take him out because he's been yelling at these officials.
He didn't say it once. He said it twice. Last night he told a reporter for the Associated Press: "If the CIA slips me something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know what happened."
Today he told interviewers for CNN on a live broadcast he feared the "CIA might take me out." -

Nagin, well, I guess you will be soon joining Kanye and Jimmy.

In reference to the above picture, what do you think either man is thinking in the picture above in their heads. Nagin is probably thinking "I just want to twist your hand right off your wrist" and GWB is probably thinking " ".... (Sorry Bush supporters, I had to go there!)

Well, this ends part one. More later. I still have plenty to say.


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