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Showing posts from October, 2005

No Bling Bling???

I used to love the NBA. Remember MJ! Ahh yes...But now, if I never see another game, I will be okay. Why has my attitude become so callous? Glad you asked... I am so tired of hearing about the NBA players complain because they have to where suits to work. SO WHAT? People who work at McDonalds have to wear uniforms for a lot less money. I am sure they would like to wear their regular clothes too if they could. And if you have ever worked in a restaurant, you know how those uniforms start to smell even after a good washing. I remember I had a job at the Limited and in order to work there you had to wear their clothes. Now, the Limited was never a cheap store plus I was in college so spending money on that brand when I had perfectly good clothes seemed ridiculous. But I needed a job and they hired me. So I bought and wore their clothes to work. Now I know NBA players make more than the $4.25 I made at the Limited. So if I had them in a room, I'd stand on a chair so I could be eye leve...

Wal-Mart or Target?

This past Saturday in my book club meeting, the ladies had a discussion of which department store was better - Wal-Mart or Target? Well, if you all know me, then you know I am not about to say Target is better - oh no. In fact, I am going to give you undisputable evidence why Wal-Mart is better than Target. So here goes the TOP TEN: (just like David Letterman) 10 - Target has a "bullseye" and a dog with a bullseye on his eye as a logo. As opposed to the Smiley face that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. A bullseye is not a good thing - okay people! Just ask that man in the silhouette at the shooting range! If I had a bow and arrow, that dog's eye would be toast! 9 - Wal-Mart has an endless supply of cash registers like "25" to Targets "5". No, they are not all open but they are there if ya need 'em! And they have self-checkout registers too! Ha! 8 - Wal-Mart has real GROCERIES. Target has some junk food and some high price toilet paper. 7 - Wal-Ma...

Serving 2 Masters

“I see life as both a gift and a responsibility. My responsibility is to use what God has given me to help his people in need.”—Millard Fuller Who is Millard Fuller? Good question...He is the founder of Habitat for Humanity. I was watching The Today Show and all last week they were building houses through HFH for the Hurricane victims. This morning, they presented a family with the keys to what will soon be their new home. I believe it is a wonderful organization and I have on a few occasions been able to help build one of these homes. YES! There is a family who has a window installed by yours truly and some nails holding up the roof. Scary thought, right? Anyway, I have heard the story of Mr. Millard Fuller awhile back and I thought it would be interesting to share. Here's the link to the entire aritlce but I wanted to provide an excerpt: A Life Changed by God: From humble beginnings in Alabama, Millard Fuller rose to become a young, self-ma...