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Wal-Mart or Target?

This past Saturday in my book club meeting, the ladies had a discussion of which department store was better - Wal-Mart or Target? Well, if you all know me, then you know I am not about to say Target is better - oh no. In fact, I am going to give you undisputable evidence why Wal-Mart is better than Target. So here goes the TOP TEN: (just like David Letterman)

10 - Target has a "bullseye" and a dog with a bullseye on his eye as a logo. As opposed to the Smiley face that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. A bullseye is not a good thing - okay people! Just ask that man in the silhouette at the shooting range! If I had a bow and arrow, that dog's eye would be toast!

9 - Wal-Mart has an endless supply of cash registers like "25" to Targets "5". No, they are not all open but they are there if ya need 'em! And they have self-checkout registers too! Ha!

8 - Wal-Mart has real GROCERIES. Target has some junk food and some high price toilet paper.

7 - Wal-Mart has hypnotic powers. When you go in for one item, unknowingly, you will come out with about 20 more things you suddenly "realize" you need.

6 - Wal-Mart has 2 bathrooms. If you can't catch the one in the front of the store, you can always hit the one in the layaway section. An abundant supply of bathrooms are very important to me...

5 - Wal-Mart has an automotive shop. You can get cheap tires, cheap oil changes- any car, any time. And you can pay for all the stuff you were hypnotized into buying while you waited, at the automotive cash register.

4 - Wal-Mart gives you those little umbrella baggies when it is raining...You know so the water won't run on the floor making it all slippery. Now if they give you something to put on your wet feet, they would really have a concept.

3 - Wal-Mart is a perfect place to practice "diversity" training. You can find just about any ethnicity you want in Wal-Mart. It is like the "melting pot" of department stores. All they need is the Statue of Liberty with the Smiley face of course!

2 - Wal-Mart has lower prices than Target on every item any day of the week! Hands down!


1 - Wal-Mart has "Wal-Mart greeters"!!! A position in which I aspire to hold in my golden years. "Welcome to Wal-Mart! Need a buggy?"

*This blog is dedicated to the Target lovers in the Piedmont-Triad R.A.W. SISTAZ book club!


Anonymous said…
I'm just curious about what made you write about this? I guess that's whats on your mind.

Anonymous said…
I'm with you...Wal-Mart Rules!
Anonymous said…
This is one of many critical issues that we as Americans face on a daily basis. Thank you for boldly bridging such a volatile topic. We can only benefit from such in depth analysis and commentary.

Thank you Easter Baby!
Anonymous said…
Walmart is a curse. They stomp on all the competition with shoddy goods posing as decent ones with a "lower price". As they destroy the competition, wages and benefits are forced down leading to more people needing handouts from the government. Thus the hidden cost. And that says nothing about how these large box super-warehouse type buildings are butt-ugly and end up ruining the traffic around them for miles. Personally I like Target better. They have way WAY better clothes and way better choice for stuff. Man, even KMart has better clothes especially for women.

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