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Being Thankful

Well Thanksgiving is two days away and there are plenty of things to be grateful for. I want to share with you a few things I am thankful for. But this is no ordinary list. I mean of course I am grateful from my family, friends, health, common sense, salvation, etc...that generally goes without saying. But I feel the need to tell you of some things I am thankful for that most people probably take for granted. So here we go:

1 - I am thankful for caffeine. Now I now somebody is saying caffeine is not good for you which is true but these past couple of weeks, caffeine in the form of tea and soda has been there for me. Oh yeah, I went the coffee route with a double shot of expresso one day. That really got me going. Hmmmmm...should coffee be legal?

2 - I am thankful for gift cards. With the holidays coming, the crowds are growing. I am so glad I can just pop into a store and buy a card and leave the other bewildered shoppers to eat my dust. Plus you don't have to pay tax on a gift card...what's not to love? Oh I can hear somebody say that's sooooo impersonal. Okay...when you receive your gift card this Christmas, please send it to me, I would hate for you to keep such an impersonal gift.

3 - I am thankful for drive through car washes. I hate for my car to be dirty but either because of time or laziness (I say time), I am not able to wash my car myself. Sure I sacrifice having all the bugs and dirt removed and the windows not being smeared, but what can give me a better warm fuzzy than being able to hand the car attendent a whole $1 after I have walked around the car a couple times inspecting and pointing to left over drops of water. The smile they give me is priceless.

4 - I am thankful VCRs are still cool. Don't get me wrong, I have a DVD player but it has the VCR on it and I am still able to record "All My Children". Streaks, lines, bad video...I get all that but nothing like being able to fast forward through commercials. An hour long show without commercials is 40 minutes. So in essence the VCR put an extra 20 minutes back in my life.

5 - I am thankful for "e-cards". Now if you can't see the benefit in this...something is wrong. How cool is it to send someone an animated card for just about any occassion without buying a stamp (BTW - e-cards are probably the reason the price of stamps are going to $0.39) But what can I say, e-cards are the way to go. But never fear, I still intend to send out my Christmas cards the old fashion way because it's what I do.

6 - I am thankful for automated change machines. Have you ever used one of these? Long gone are the days of getting those little paper coin rollers and putting one finger in the end so you can get the pennies to go in flat. This usually takes a few tries. But NO MORE! You take your change and dump it in the machine and it counts it and gives you a receipt. Well there is a catch. You pay like $0.08 on the dollar. But hey show me a convenience you don't pay for.

7 - I am thankful for alarm clocks on cellphones. If naps mean nothing to you then this ain't gonna mean much. But if you have to take naps, let's say at your desk at school and you want to be sure and wake up before your next class...just set your little alarm on your cellphone and WA-LA...Ring Ring Ring. You are up and outta there. Piece of advice, I would not try this on the job, napping can get you fired.

8 - I am thankful I am not a teenager in 2005! For one, is it me or are the young people today more funny looking? And whoever said each generation gets weaker and wiser is probably not alive today. Weaker and whacked is more like it. All I can say is some may see getting older as not so good but think back to the good ol' days and you'll be glad you got some years under your belt.

9 - I am thankful for the online bible. Oh I bet whenever I added bible verses to my blog, yall thought it was just coming outta my head, right? "That Sherry knows her bible" I can hear yall now. I do know a little bit but I am no bible scholar. What I do know is how to go to and do a search on key words. (Free plug for the website...check it out and you too can amaze your friends!)

10 - I am thankful for BLOGS! I could not have ended this list without a shout out to the blog makers of the world. Where else can I let everyone know what is on my mind and not have to worry about being interrupted?

Oh yeah, I am thankful for you too dear readers! Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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