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Merry CHRISTmas - Part II

As promised, I am back to add some more of my Christmas reflections. But before I do, let me assure you that my thoughts about how the world handles Christmas has in no way taken away my Christmas JOY! I guess because I am truly grateful for God's gift and no matter how much the world tries to distort, destroy, or demean the Christmas celebration, the significance is still there. But while I am very merry, I do find some things quite interesting and thought provoking. With that disclaimer out of the way, let's pick up where I left off.

5 - Cancelling Church on Christmas day - In case yall didn't know, Dec. 25 falls on a Sunday. Yep and there are churches all over who are cancelling service or having service on Christmas Eve. Now I am proud to say that my church will not be cancelling service. In fact, it doesn't matter what day Christmas falls on, we have a Christmas Day service in honor of Jesus. He is the reason, right? If this is correct, then what better way to celebrate than with a Sunday service. Kinda of like Easter in the Winter! But perhaps, the pastors of these churches, don't think folks will show up. Figure they will be home letting the kids open gifts brought by "Santa Claus". Nothing wrong with letting the kids open the gifts. But if Jesus is the reason, then perhaps the gifts can wait. Oh I hear ya...these kids don't want to wait until after church. They must open their presents right away. Well, if these kids are like me as a child, I was up at about 4:30 am or 5:00 am on Christmas day. I think there is plenty of time to open gifts and get ready for church.
But if attendance is the issue, then perhaps they should check out Matthew 18:19 -20. Jesus said:
19Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

So if only the pastor and the first lady show up, then they can have church and celebrate Jesus' birth. Collection might be a little low but hey you can get'em on next Sunday!

6 - Mourning the Living! - Now this particular reflection has nothing to do with Christmas but more to do with our soldiers in Iraq or other war zones. This has been something I have wanted to write about but didn't have time. But since I have you attention, I figure now is as good as any time to share. What do I mean by mourning the living...let me 'splain. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak with a young man about 23 who has just gotten home from Iraq. Pretty sharp kid and eventually I got around to asking him if he went to church. His answer was no, because he was an agnostic (believes there might be a higher power) borderline atheist (believes there is no God). Nope, I was not shocked or appalled and I didn't run and hide. What I did do was continue the conversation just to get a better understanding of where he was coming from.

What I learned from this young man, who told me prayer doesn't work, was that he felt life is what is and then you die. No point in hoping or praying about stuff. Imagine listening to a 23 year old talk like that. No hope, no light at the end of the tunnel. It was very sad. He equated fighting the war in Iraq and killing people to playing a video game. At least he said that is how he looked at it which makes it easier to kill without becoming emotionally involved. And then he added that they weren't really sure why they were there (contrary to what the Powers that be would have us to believe). These men and women are over there losing their souls because of duty not because they believe in the cause. And I pause to shake my head...

Yes, it is tragic that men and women are dying. But no amount of protests can bring them back. My concern is for those who survived like the young man I described who come back to the US with such a dismal outlook on life. And I am sure he is not the only one. These are young people (cause they don't want the old ones, Thank God!) over there and coming back changed forever. I am sure they see their friends and collegues dying, some of which probably prayed daily. Maybe that is why the young man doesn't think prayer works. As a frequent prayer and miracle recipient, I can assure you prayer does work...

The churches today are full of sermons about about being prosperous, living a good life, overcoming, etc...Oh no doubt we need this kind of talk in order to make it from day to day but I am not sure this is the kind of sermon that will help someone like the soldier I described. Who's going to be there for these soldiers when they come home hopeless and empty? It is just my personal opinion that we should be alittle less self-centered in our worship and more people-centered. God loves everyone not just those sitting in the pews on Sunday. And He charged us to be his foot soldiers here on earth to spread the good news.

I am not sure why the following scripture, in particular verse 22, came to mind as I typed this and I am not sure how it applies directly but perhaps if I think about what Jesus is saying, it will be more clear. Again I go to Matthew 8:18 - 22 (Matthew seems to be working for me lately...)

18When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. 19Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go."
20Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

21Another disciple said to him, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
22But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."

Well I want to take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas! to all the troops in Iraq. They probably won't see this blog but I am putting it out there anyway. And as you, dear reader, celebrate with your family do not take that time for granted. If you are truly celebrating Christmas, say a little prayer for those who survive this war. Pray for their physical, emotional, and definitely spiritual health.


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