Oh yeah, it's that time of the year...March Madness time. For all you who don't follow NCAA basketball, it is the time of year when the best college basketball team is crowned. My team, the NC State Wolfpack, unfortunately lost in round two but I'm not sad. Wanna know why? Because SO DID THE TARHEELS!!! I will pull for anybody but those overrated bunch of pastel-blue wearing no real mascot LOSERS! Oh yeah I said it - exactly how does a TARHEEL equate to having a RAM for a mascot anyway? (btw - Go BlueDevils)
Okay, now that I have that out of the way and hopefully, I didn't lose some of my audience by dissing the tarheels...let's talk about March Madness. I mean real March Madness or maybe it's just MADNESS period.
1 - I am just so outdone by this teacher chick who had sex with a 14 year old and the charges were dropped. I mean, there is a big double standard here and it is blinding!!! There are men being charged left and right for having sex with minors (I believe it is called RAPE) and doing some serious time. But this attractive, young, female teacher does it and it is called "having sex" and not "rape" and she is on the tv talking about she is in therapy and she is going to school to be a jounalist. There is no trial to avoid adding any stress to the victim. WHAT?! Does this not sound like madness? Excuse me, I need to go HURL!
2 - Okay I'm back. Now you can't talk about madness without talking about this war and our president, GWB. Bless his heart. Now there is civil war in IRAQ. Looks like the USA really is handling things over there, huh? But I still can't correlate this war and fighting terror and 911...I am so confused. Bin Laden is still loose, Saddam is giving the court system pure "h-e-double hockey sticks". How many criminals get to actually run the courtroom like he does? He's got the judges so frustrated, they quit every other day. People are acting the fool everyday over there, strapping on bombs. Madness!!! Soldiers, hang in there! I am praying for ya!
3 - TV is madness! I am not sure what I can watch anymore. I mean there is so much garbage on tv, I need a landfield in the backyard. And how about Issac Hayes mad about the depiction of scientology so he quits the South Park show as the voice for "Chef". He claims he is against how the show depicts religion. Now if you have ever seen South Park, it is a blasphemous- everybody-involved-with-it-is-going-to-hell show if I ever seen one. I mean they had an episode with a AK-47 toting Jesus looking to blow up some folks. And about 3 year later, ol' Issac has a problem. Exactly what is Scientology anyway? If Issac and Tom (Cruise, that is) can be outspoken about their religions, where are the Hollywood Christians? Collecting paychecks, I guess. If they ain't gonna speak out, then I hope they are at least paying their tithes and offerings! Madness!
4 - The weather is completely out of control. A couple of weeks ago when it was still winter it was about 80 degrees in NC. Then on the first day of Spring, it sleets! Today I am freezing! I tell you, we are messing up our atmosphere and regardless of how many planets you can count, we can't survive but on one. So when this one is messed up, I believe that's it. Now of course, the bible speaks of all these weather changes. The end times is near and you wanna talk about madness, if you ain't going back with Jesus...boy oh boy!
5 - Does anybody care about what is happening in the motherland? Aids, famine, genocide...the stories are horrible. What I can't figure out, is why the GREAT and MIGHTY rescue the world - USA has not made helping the African nations a priority. Is one life more valuable than another? I mean, how can freeing the oppressed people of Iraq (who don't really want our help) have any more priority than the oppressed people in Sudan? Racism is Madness!
6 - True madness is having mardi gras celebrations when your city still has people without homes, power, or anything. How can anyone think to get on a plane or in a car and travel there to get drunk and party but you didn't go down there when people needed a helping hand during Katrina. Now I am certainly not discounting any person who went to help rescue or support the victims of the hurricane, HOWEVER, I can safely bet that quite a few of the people who went to Mardi Gras probably weren't Red Cross volunteers or pulling dead bodies out of destroyed homes. Oh yeah, the word on the street was New Orleans needed mardi gras to lift the residents' spirits. Okay, let me just say if Winston Salem is destroyed by a hurricane or anything of that nature and I am left with absolutely nothing and you want to lift my spirits...don't throw me a party! Help me get on my feet...can I get a job or some food or some place to live? Can I just have my basic needs met? That's all I am saying. That is just utter and complete MADNESS!
I think the writers of the classic movie, "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" need to do a re-make. Let me go send this idea to Hollywood...catch yall next month.
OH and by the way, next month is extra special...a certain EASTERBABY is having a birthday. I think I may have a party on my blog. Stay tuned for more details.