Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May (scheduled next for May 29th, 2006). It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who died in military service for their country.
Now where in that definition does it say "have a cookout", "go to the beach", or "spend 2 million dollars at an amusement park". (I just happen to have had the opportunity to just attend an amusement park and it is about 3 million dollars.) But these are the activities we associate with Memorial Day. You never hear anybody say they are going to do any remembering. But this would be sort of a downer, huh? To actually stop and think about the military dead. Well, I am using my May blog to remember the military dead. Why? Because it's Memorial weekend and I am going to remember and two...I don't have any cookouts to attend, can't afford to go to the beach, and I already spent 4 million dollars at Universal Studios and three...I have family who have been in the military and or are currently in the military and I want to THANK GOD they are not memorials. They are still here.
Now like any career, military service is a choice. A choice I couldn't make for a few reasons. In my mind, military people are quite unique and I would like to tell you why I think they should be remembered:
#5 - They apparently have no fear of dirt and dust. Now as a kid, I could kick up the dirt with the rest of the kids no matter how much trouble I'd get in. But as an adult, I like being clean and I like clean surroundings. And we aren't even going to talk about what dust does to my sinuses.
#4 - They are able to function on a minimal amount of sleep. Now back in the day, I could go a whole day on few hours of sleep. But these days, I need my 8 hours plus a nap every now and then. If I stay up really late, it takes me about 3 days to get back to normal.
#3 - Patience is a virtue. Military personnel must have lots of patience. Imagine being away from your family for months, maybe years not knowing when you will go home. Or having to wait for orders before you make any moves. Which brings me to my next point...
#2 - Military personnel are very disciplined and trusting. They carry out orders without question all the while trusting the fact that the person giving the orders knows what they are talking about. It takes a special person to trust like that and be that disciplined. Now I am neither disciplined nor trusting. I mean I can't even commit to a regular exercise program. And there is no way I could just take an order without asking a few probing questions. Let's just say I would probably be dis-honorably discharged.
#1 - And my number one reason I think military folks should be remembered is...They are fearless. Oh yeah, I mean beacons of COURAGE! You see, I have seen pictures of the GIANT spiders that live in the Iraqi desert. Those thing are the size of baby rats. Now most of yall know I don't like bugs the size of a period on a sheet of paper...now if a spider the size of a baby rat came at me, there ain't a 5 star general plus his army that could get me to do anything but scream or faint! Don't get me wrong, they are brave for making it through combat too! But dealing with the giant spiders and swarms of flies...makes them super men and women in my eyes alone!
So as you chow down on your ribs or rub on your suntan lotion or spend 6 million dollars at a theme park, stop for a minute and remember the men and women in uniform who have died or who continue to serve our country.
*This blog is dedicated to my cousin Carl (Pudgey), currently serving over in Iraq*