Anyway, earlier today I had the chance to view some online footage, which I shared with most of you, about the 9/11 events. Having watched these two documentaries, it got me thinking. Now this blog is not about whether I believe them or not. I will say that nothing surprises me and a few unanswered questions that I had about that day were brought up in those videos. Of course, IF these accounts are anywhere close to being accurate, all I can say is that those responsible are about as close to evil as you will get aside from meeting Satan himself.
So if I am not going to give you my take on the 911 conspiracy theories, then what am I going to say? Glad you asked. You see I was thinking that these videos were the result of some folks who apparently have lost faith in their government. No doubt some people will watch these videos and their lives will get turned upside down. Could the government they loved so much really have betrayed them in such an uncomprehensible way? Of course I am not saying GWB and them are guilty of anything b/c it doesn't matter now because what is done is done. But for those who voted for him, you gotta admit even if not out loud, 2 + 2 does not always equal 4 with this administration.
Of course GWB got alot of votes just because of his stance against same sex marriages. But I am thinking homosexual marriages or hetersexual marriages, none of it is gonna matter b/c we are all gonna be BLOWN UP! And don't get it twisted, this is not about being Republican or Democrat or whatever...personally I believe there is only one political party and it is called "Hidden Agenda". No matter which way you vote, know they are all in it for one reason - THE BENJAMINS! (For you less savvy folks, that means "money")
Anyway, so how does one make it without their government? How do you sleep when you can't trust those who claim to have your best interest at heart? Your protectors? Your providers?Well, I can't speak for anybody else but I know where my help comes from and it ain't GWB, Dick "the Quick" Chaney, Condi Rice, John Kerry, Hillary or Bill, none of those republicans nor those democrats. Last time I check, which was tonight as I was driving in the rain, the Sovereign God was taking care of me. And my friends when you know WHO really holds your future, you don't worry about bombs, wars, homeland security or social security. I go to sleep every night and I wake up knowing that whatever happens to me during the day was by God's will. And since I know what He promised me, I am not worried about how or why 911 happened or if it will happen again.
Putting faith in man is gonna lead a whole lot of folks to a place they don't wanna go. I have been let down by alot of people but God has yet to let me down. So being a quick study, I choose to put my faith in my God and not man/woman. And that allows me to get my beauty sleep. (Please keep all snide remarks to yourself). Now I know what some are thinking...why doesn't God put this corrupt governement in their place? Maybe it's because we, in our not-so infinite wisdom, decided we had to separate church and state. We decided God had no place in government and we wanted to be FREE to be who we wanted to be and FREE to practice anything we wanted to and FREE to live life as if nothing or nobody mattered but us. So God said "Ok, you Babylonian wanna-bes, do your thing." So there you have it, so as you worry about terrorism, are you feeling FREE? At what price is this freedom to live like a Babylonian?
Now the original Babylonians were on TOP of the WORLD for a while but God promised that once he had used them to settle a score, He'd bring them down. And if you think things can't get worse, live a little longer. 9/11 ten times over won't compare to the wrath of an angry and jealous God. Now don't get it twisted, God may get angry and jealous but don't you, after all we are made in His image. But God forgives, even if we don't...that is why He sent a Savior. Now should one of us have been in charge of the universe, like me for instance, a whole lot of people would be just like Lot's wife...POOF! SALT! No second chances, no escape route and certainly no Savior. Oh how I love Jesus!
With that said, put aside you disgust for the government, in fact, if you believe in the power of prayer, pray for this world and your government, especially GWB. Put your faith in God and get some sleep at night knowing, regardless of what is going on around you here in Babylon, everything will be alright.