I wish I had enough time to write a blog everytime I had something on my mind. But there is just not enough hours in the day. Well since the last time we were together, so much has been going on. I tell you folks the truth, I got one good nerve left and it is being plucked at on a daily basis. Now I don't mean your everyday stuff, like being cut off in traffic, although that does tend to be a nerve plucker...I am talking about things on a much bigger scale here. Oh yeah and I am gonna tell you about it because maybe these things have been plucking at your nerves too. So rather than keep you in suspense...I will share these things with you.
Nerve Plucker #6. Guess what yall? Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married! How could you not know this? I am so tired of hearing about them. Now it is not their fault but the tv puts this stuff in your face. Like the lady on ET said "The world wants to know what Katie's dress looked like." No the world doesn't. I bet there are some dying men and women in Darfar, who could give a rat's fat hat about Katie's dress. I can think of one Easterbaby who really didn't care either. Oh and what really got on my nerves...the TV guide channel. Now I love watching the TV guide channel, you know to see what is coming on tv. But every since that wedding, they are playing this TWO HOUR SPECIAL repeat about Tom and Katie. And then they follow up the TWO HOUR SPECIAL with a Tom Cruise Special. I can't even enjoy the scrolling TV list. So now I just have to flip until I see something interesting. Gimme a break!
Nerve Plucker #5. How do you spell IDIOT? I think it is spelled O.J. as in O.J. Simpson. Now I can't say whether or not he did it, cause I wasn't there but I can say that he is one of the most ridiculous people on the planet. And the people who helped him write this hypothetical book are about as idiotic as he is. I mean, does he not care about his children's feelings at all? Since he is trying to convince us he knows HOW to kill people without actually doing it, why don't we send him to IRAQ and let some poor tired soldier come home to kids he cares about.
Nerve Plucker #4. How dumb are these internet child predators? First off, how dumb do you have to be to drive hours to someone's house in hope of scoring with a child. The child says "the doors open, come on in?" And you go in. And then some of these guys, say "I have seen this program on TV". But yet you still go through with it? What is wrong with this? And as much as I enjoy seeing these guys go down, I am still trying to figure out why Mark Foley wasn't arrested. I mean he did the exact same thing as these low lifes on TV but they get jail and he gets rehab. Can we say double standard? If you have money and power, you get to use a childhood trama or alcohol to excuse wrong behavior. I bet 75% of those other guys had drug, alcohol, etc problems but they still went to jail.
Nerve Plucker #3. Rosie ODonnell plucks my nerves. Did yall see her little tiff with Kelly Ripa? Clay Aiken put his hands over Kelly's mouth and she told Clay Aiken not to do that cause she didn't know where his hands had been. So Rosie "Needs Jesus" ODonnell accused Kelly of making a homophobic remark. HELLO, who wants somebody to put their hands over their mouths. And Clay never told anybody he played for the other team...yeah I know, what you are thinking. But truth be told...he never said it...so we have to say he is innocent until proven guilty. Anyway, Rosie also said that radical Christians are no better than terriorists...WHAT?! What is a radical Christian? And furthermore, if you are a terrorist, you aren't a Christian. How does that saying go..."everybody talkin' bout heaven ain't going there!"
Nerve Plucker #2. Raise your hand if your didn't see the Michael Richards video. Ok, let me first say I was not suprised at what he said but I am surprised that he said it OUT LOUD in PUBLIC! But what did it for me was this statement on David Letterman, "I am not a racist". Oh yeah? Michael, you are a racist. Now admit it and get help. And this whole "let me go see if Jesse Jackson can help me" was such garbage. First off, I love Jesse but Jesse doesn't speak for all black people and he can't tell me and no other African American how to feel. If Jesse said, "Sherry, you know Michael is not a racist", I'd say, "Rev. Jackson, yes he is" and then me and the Reverend would share some WORD. Cause I would pull out this verse from Luke...
Luke 6:45
45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Nerve Plucker #1. This war, this government (all of 'em...I am multi-partisan in my nerve pluckedness) is plucking my nerves. Now they want to reinstate the draft. So if we are winning, then why do we need MORE soldiers? If we are winning, why was Donald Rumsfield fired? I mean that is like the Colts firing Tony Dungy. It would make no sense. I don't buy any of it. And if I have to hear Condi lie one more time...she really plucks my nerves. She had the NERVE to say in her interview with Essence magazine, that people should be punished for talking bad about GWB. WHAT?! I bet Babs Bush talks bad about GWB every now and then. They are husband and wife after all.
Thanks blog readers for indulging me. My poor nerve. Ain't no telling what will be left by the time I write the December blog..but I will hang in there if you will!