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Showing posts from 2007

An Easterbaby Thanksgiving

Happy 2 days after Thanksgiving Blog Readers! I hope that you had a great turkey day and did not overdue it. Of course, I hope as you were chowing down with family and/or friends, you took a moment to reflect on the many things you had to be grateful for. But keep in mind, true thanksgiving should occur more than once per year. At least I am certain that you are blessed more than once per year. Case and point, if you are able to read this blog, it means you can see and read, so there, you have 2 things to be thankful for and it's not Thanksgiving. For me, I try to always give thanks for my more obvious blessings. But from time to time, I like to reflect on the things that some folks may take for granted. When I first started to blog, you may remember, I gave you a list of things I was thankful for such as caffeine and cellphone alarm clocks. Well, I wrote that blog in November 2005 and since then, I have quite a few more very key things that I am truly grateful for. Perhaps this li...

Scarier than Halloween!!!

My beloved blog readers, I have not forgotten you! Time, however, stands still for no one. So when I realized I haven't written since July, I felt it is time to let you know what is on my mind. BUT here's the deal, so much has been on my mind since July, if I wrote it all, we'd be here for a while. And since we all got things to do, I will do my best to keep it short and sweet. (Hee Hee, we'll see how that goes...) Well tomorrow is October 31! Happy Halloween to all you who celebrate! See I can say it and I don't even celebrate Halloween whereas, hearing/saying "Merry Christmas" causes some non -Christian folks to suffer a nervous breakdown. It's sad really. I mean, personally I don't find Halloweeners threatening to my lifestyle yet, for some reason, my Christianity is a threat to the others! Wonder why? Hmmmmmmmm! Well, the truth can be scary if you aren't ready for it (or if you can't HANDLE THE TRUTH per Jack Nichalson). Anyway, I even ...

Dying for Nothing???

Blog readers, I pray that all is well with you. You know there are times when things are on my mind and I must stop right then and there to write it down or otherwise it may go into the sea of Easterbaby forgetfulness. So what is so pressing that I stopped everything to give you another blog in the same month? Usually this happens when I have some spiritual enlightment that I feel inclined to share with you. As always not everyone will understand or receive this message but hey, that is the way it is sometimes. But I can't let that stop me... So here's the deal, I am on the internet looking for a particular image on Google images and I came across a picture of Pat Tillman (not the one shown here). I believe we all know who he is but for the rock dwellers, he is the ex-football player for the Phoenix Cardinals turned soldier who was killed over in Iraq and then the military allegedy gave false information surrounding his death. So I saw this image and something made me click on ...


Blog Readers, wow have I missed you all. It seems the time has gotten away from me. I last blogged in April and before I knew it, it was July. So I decided it was time to correspond with my "peoples". Of course so much has been happening since my last blog that I could probably write for hours about stuff but I don't have that kind of time. So with the time I do have, I just wanted to type about something that I have pondered since my last blog. In honor of Independance Day, I am gonna "free my mind" somewhat. I want to free my mind of what it means to be in graduate school earning a PHD. A friend of mine (Big shout out to Dr. Michelle) says that P.H.D. stands for "Permanent Head Damage". For all those who know, this statement is very funny and very true. I think people often underestimate the time and energy it takes to go through this process. And I say this because I think folks think I am kidding when I say "I am going to school (on a Sunday a...

Tribute to the Redbone

I know some of you are wondering where I am going with this blog. Well hang in there with me for a moment and you will see. For those of you unfamiliar with the term "redbone", it is a term which is less than complimentary used to describe beautiful black people of lighter complexion . I am not sure of the origins but I can bet that it probably has origins from slavery. And I will also bet that most derogatory terms we use come from the plantation. Unless you live under a rock, I know you have heard about the Don Imus incident. No, I am not here to re-hash it all but I wouldn't be my opinionated self, if I didn't mention it before I make my point. First of all, while I don't agree with the derogatory messages in Hip Hop, I do not think Hip Hop music had anything to do with Don Imus's comments. He said what was in his heart and directed to a specific group of women. Also, I wasn't necessarily taken back by the "nappyhead" comment cause well, truth...

Why the name "Easterbaby"???

Blog Readers, where has the time gone? I haven't blogged since the first of the year. But I have a valid reason for neglecting you, I promise. School has been keeping me very busy and while I have had soooooooooo many things on my mind, I just have not had the time to write it down. I even started a blog but I deleted it because, well, that moment passed and I have somethng different on my mind. Like what? You ask...Well, based on my pen name, "Easterbaby", you can just imagine what is on my mind. My birthday? Nope. Guess again. Shocked ya didn't I? Okay, yes my birthday is Wedneday, April 11 BUT that is not the reason for my blog. C'mon...EASTER-baby...That's right, today is Easter Sunday or as some like to call it, RESURRECTION DAY! As I am sure some of you have contemplated on long drives home or as you go throughout your day, why does she call herself the Easterbaby? Most would probably say, DUH, cause she was born on a Easter Sunday. While this is true, I...

Do Not Be Deceived!

Happy New Year Blog Readers! I am sorry I didn't make a December blog. But it wasn't cause I didn't have a lot on my mind but the holidays were busy for me. My New Year's was very interesting. I had a stomach virus from 12/30/06 - 1/1/07. So I brought the New Year's in purging. Please don't make me explain further...Anyway, if you have ever had a stomach virus, you know it ain't pretty. Now of course I could complain about it but I choose to view this virus as God's way of cleaning me up for 2007. So now I am ready for the new year with a new mind set and some clean intestines. So what could possibly be on my mind the 3rd day of a New Year. ALOT! Now I know sometimes I write blogs that make you smile and while I try to see the humor in first blog of the new year isn't about making you smile or feel good. I just want to give you something to consider for 2007. So where am I going today? I am going to start with a this Scripture: Galations 7:...