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Do Not Be Deceived!

Happy New Year Blog Readers! I am sorry I didn't make a December blog. But it wasn't cause I didn't have a lot on my mind but the holidays were busy for me. My New Year's was very interesting. I had a stomach virus from 12/30/06 - 1/1/07. So I brought the New Year's in purging. Please don't make me explain further...Anyway, if you have ever had a stomach virus, you know it ain't pretty. Now of course I could complain about it but I choose to view this virus as God's way of cleaning me up for 2007. So now I am ready for the new year with a new mind set and some clean intestines.

So what could possibly be on my mind the 3rd day of a New Year. ALOT! Now I know sometimes I write blogs that make you smile and while I try to see the humor in first blog of the new year isn't about making you smile or feel good. I just want to give you something to consider for 2007. So where am I going today? I am going to start with a this Scripture:

Galations 7:6
7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

There are many scriptures in the bible that speak plainly and I think it doesn't get much plainer than this. But for those bible challenged folks here's another translations:

7Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.

This morning, I had the opportunity to hear a WORD and what stuck in my mind was "half-obediance is just as bad as disobediance". Imagine that. You see with God, it is all or nothing. So, you think you are ammune to deception. I would like to say I was ammune but sadly, I am not but I continue to pray to have my eyes open. So what is the deception...

Deception - You might think you are living good but as long as others are suffering...we are all suffering. I think about the poor and think about how we waste so much in this nation. We waste so many, time, resources. We think cause our bills are paid and we can waste money at the buffet, everything is good. "God has blessed me" is what we say (some of us anyway). But guess what, God may be blessing but is He pleased? If you are not sowing into someone's life out of what God has given you, whenever you fall on hard times, don't get upset when others turn away. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Deception - Famous folks will die but that don't mean they are in heaven. First let me say, why do we get shocked when famous folks die? It doesn't matter who you are, the WORD says:

2nd Corithians 5:10 - 10- For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

I watch these funerals and at those speaking all saying, I know this person is in heaven looking down on us...blah blah blah. And this may very well be true, if they knew Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Don't be decieved...if they didn't know Jesus personally, they aren't looking down at nobody from heaven...No matter how famous they were. We gotta go into 2007 without this fantasy world mentality. We all bleed red blood, we all will die and we all must account to God what we did with our time on earth. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Deception - Garbage In and Garbage Out. You can't expect the children to grow up to be decent, productive, moral human beings as long as we feed them garbage. Garbage in music, garbage on tv, garbage on the internet. Nowadays, kids are like little sponges. They soak up everything they see and internalize it until it becomes apart of them. We take for granted that they will eventually figure out right from wrong and turn into perfect little people. Have you taken a careful look at young people today? Have you seen an improvement? Wonder why. We let them fend for themselves without guidance or hope. We have got to invest in one another and that begins with the children. We have got to teach them and not just we want them to know but what God would have them to know. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Deception - America is not going to prosper as long as we live like Babylonians. God bless America...that is the song we sing. My question is "why should He?" What exactly have we done to deserve any blessings from God? We are too afraid to pray at work or say "Merry Christmas!" We are so politically correct...but God is not moved by politcally correctness...He said the "truth is the light". Americans need to stop lying to themselves. Think about how folks are all over the internet trying to see Saddam's hanging. No doubt, rejoicing! First of all, I don't want to see a hanging. Even seeing him with that noose made me think of slavery and all the innocent Africans who died with a noose around their neck cause they didn't want to work for FREE. Second, we should be saddened that this man died without repentance for anything he had done. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Deception - Just because we don't acknowledge God doesn't mean He ain't there. What was really bugging me over the holidays is all this "Happy Holidays" controversy. Every year it is the same thing. People...puhleeze!!! First off, Jesus didn't ask for a birthday party. But since we have chosen to celebrate, let's celebrate Jesus. I bet alot of people hollering about I wanna say Merry Christmas don't even believe in Jesus. Christmas is a holiday in honor of the birth of Jesus so I find it curious that the world loves to celebrate Christmas. I mean if it is about gift giving, find another day and call it "Gift - Giving Day"! Then Santa can come and everything.

But let's be clear, God is always God. You can deny Him, reject Him...take Him off the pledge of alligence, take Him off the money. He is still "I AM". And as long as He is in the hearts of His people, He is there. That is the bottom line. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, BLOG READERS! Thanks for being with me throughout 2006. I hope to have you all with me in 2007. I believe things are gonna be very interesting!


Anonymous said…
AMEN SISTAH!!!! I agree with all you have written but I would like to comment on the Garbage in ...garbage out model. The most dangerous part about this cycle is that once you have garbage in it doesn't always manafest itself but, it sits and festers and becomes even more toxic than before. This not only happens in teens but, even in us as adults...I am a witness! We need to becareful to take these thoughts captive and cast them out...not just let it go because it will come back in a more potent way. Thank you Sherry for these encouraging words and I pray that this year we all be about our Father's business Loving GOD first, others second, and ourselves last. Remember its not about us!

Anonymous said…
Just because we don't acknowledge God doesn't mean He ain't there.

Girl you are so right!!! It gets on my nerves that all of a sudden we are supposed to care about how people care if we say Christmas or if we meant Jesus! It's just CRAZY! It's HIS day. PERIOD!!!!

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