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Showing posts from January, 2007

Do Not Be Deceived!

Happy New Year Blog Readers! I am sorry I didn't make a December blog. But it wasn't cause I didn't have a lot on my mind but the holidays were busy for me. My New Year's was very interesting. I had a stomach virus from 12/30/06 - 1/1/07. So I brought the New Year's in purging. Please don't make me explain further...Anyway, if you have ever had a stomach virus, you know it ain't pretty. Now of course I could complain about it but I choose to view this virus as God's way of cleaning me up for 2007. So now I am ready for the new year with a new mind set and some clean intestines. So what could possibly be on my mind the 3rd day of a New Year. ALOT! Now I know sometimes I write blogs that make you smile and while I try to see the humor in first blog of the new year isn't about making you smile or feel good. I just want to give you something to consider for 2007. So where am I going today? I am going to start with a this Scripture: Galations 7:...