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Showing posts from March, 2008


Happy Resurrection Day Blog Readers! I know some of yall are confused, but tomorrow is NOT my birthday. I was born on Easter but we know Easter falls on a different Sunday every year. Nevertheless, I so enjoy this holiday which is the BIG KAHUNA of all holidays (at least for Christians). But as special as it is, the world has reduced it to colored eggs and bunny rabbits. The other day I was watching the Today Show which I love, and they were featuring everything Easter from easter egg hunts to easter meals to easter outfits. Ask me if they mentioned J-E-S-U-S...yeah but it was to talk about some debate of whether some shroud was the one He was buried in. I was like, Oooooh-Kay! Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and they want to discuss a shroud. I mean really, He only used it for 3 days anyhow. I don't care about that. But should I have expected more, Naw! I know the deal even some Christians miss the point. So what more can we expect from the world? Oh yeah, church will b...