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Happy Resurrection Day Blog Readers! I know some of yall are confused, but tomorrow is NOT my birthday. I was born on Easter but we know Easter falls on a different Sunday every year. Nevertheless, I so enjoy this holiday which is the BIG KAHUNA of all holidays (at least for Christians). But as special as it is, the world has reduced it to colored eggs and bunny rabbits. The other day I was watching the Today Show which I love, and they were featuring everything Easter from easter egg hunts to easter meals to easter outfits. Ask me if they mentioned J-E-S-U-S...yeah but it was to talk about some debate of whether some shroud was the one He was buried in. I was like, Oooooh-Kay! Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and they want to discuss a shroud. I mean really, He only used it for 3 days anyhow. I don't care about that.

But should I have expected more, Naw! I know the deal even some Christians miss the point. So what more can we expect from the world? Oh yeah, church will be packed tomorrow and everyone will be wearing their new outfits looking real spiffy. But as I was thinking, like I usually do, most of us need to wear the shirts like the one shown in the picture to church tomorrow 'cause most of us are "out of order". I hear ya, "what are you talking about Sherry?" Well you know what Out of Order means? Broke, Needs Repair, Not functioning properly...It is the dreaded sign we hate to see on bathroom stalls and copy machines. OUT_OF_ORDER. Can not be used! Are you with me? Good.

So what am I really saying? Okay, follow me, the first people who need to put on one of these signs is all those people who only show up at church on Easter Sunday. They are straight up, no chaser, out of order. Or how about those folks only want to see what people are wearing, yep, out of order. How about the Christian folks who know what this holiday means but were the first ones at Wal-Mart buying decorations such as easter baskets and candy and colored eggs, or sticking some plastic easter bunny statues out on the front lawn. Say it with me, "Out of Order..."

Now this whole thing gets deeper because being out of order as a Christian is not limited to Easter Sunday. Oh noooooooo. We are out of order all the time, we just think nobody knows it. But God knows it. Remember Galations 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Funny thing is, we take God's forgiveness for granted that some of us get out of order and stay there for a real long time. Not sure why, who wants to be broke down all the time? I sure don't. Some folks like being out of order. But is that how Christians should want to live? Is that how God wants us to live?

(Uh oh, here come the questions) So Sherry, how do you know if you are Out of Order? Essentially, if you are outside the will of God, you are out of order. So Sherry, what is the will of God? God tells us His will in His Word. Read the bible and you will know. So Sherry, is it that simple, just read the bible? Heck no! If it were, everyone would be saved. So Sherry, why are you writing this blog? Well #1 - It is what was on my mind and #2 - I like to encourage others and #3 - I have to encourage myself! Believe it or not, I am just a sinner saved by grace striving everyday to stay in God's Will and not be out of order. I certainly don't want God to tell me on judgment day that my words, my actions, my life confused and messed up some folks. Who wants that blood on their hands? Maybe Oprah but not me...(don't get me started on Oprah, that is another blog for another time.)

So Sherry, how are you gonna talk about others, what about you? Do you need a sign? Glad you asked cause I was just wearin' an Out of Order sign last week. See, I was complaining to God about how come He couldn't just do what I asked Him to do and if He was gonna do it, why was He taking His sweet time? And I was not happy and I was sulking and I was so Out Of Order. And it didn't take me long to realize it. You ever been fussing with your parents and something slipped out and you thought, "oops, I didn't mean to say that, at least not out loud." And your mom or dad gave you this look like, "What did you just say to me?" or "Who do you think you are talking to? I am not one of your friends." Am I the only one this ever happened to? Anyway, I know this is how God was looking at me, in fact I felt it deep down in my spirit. Then He slapped a big Out of Order sign around my heart. But the good news is, I didn't want to stay out of order. That sign was heavy! I knew I had to get back right. So the next day, I fasted and I prayed and I repented. God and I are cool again. WHEW! I needed repair and He fixed me and took that Out of Order sign off my heart. Hmmmmm, perhaps that happened so I could write this blog.

Anyway, I guess the point is recognizing when you are Out of Order and taking the necessary steps to get back in line. Yes God forgives but the consequences of being out of order remain. He says we will reap what we sow. So what will you be wearing tomorrow on Resurrection Sunday or any other day? The Out of Order sign or the Blood of Jesus...


Unknown said…
ALRIGHT SHERRY! I see you doing it!! You speaking the TRUTH!!!!!
So Inspired said…
I had an Out of Order sign last week too...I was still messed up right through Easter Service! Thank God for His patience and grace towards me!
humble servant said…
GOD placed the rainbow in the sky as a reminder he would never destroy the earth again with water. We too as children of GOD need to be reminded. Thanks for this reminder!!!

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