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Showing posts from June, 2008

Battle of the Sexes

I know what you are thinking..."another blog so soon?" Sure, why not? My thoughts always come in spurts and this time I have spurted again. Before I begin, let me just say, Happy early July 4th! Don't pig out too much this weekend. But I hope you do enjoy yourself. At least try to use this weekend not to think about gas prices...that's enough to depress anyone. So anyway, here's what was on my mind. I was actually going to write a continuation to my "friendship" blog as I still have some more to say on the matter BUT something else came along and I decided to blog about this instead. Of course I might spurt again and still write my Friend blog part II, we'll see. So a couple of weeks ago, I received this email which contained a sermon called "Sex and the City" The pastor was using references to the movie about the four friends looking for love as they live in NYC. Now I never watched the tv show so I didn't have any interest in seeing ...

The Real BFF

I don't know where you are blog readers but I hope you have some AC. Boy it is hot here in Charlottesville, VA. And while I was complaining about the cold office I sit in, I am not saying a mumbling word about it today. Anyway, it has been a while but time got away from me as I was making my transition to Charlottesville, VA for the summer. Nevertheless, I always have something on my mind but it usually takes the right moment in time for me to put my thoughts into a blog. So here I am and I guess what you wanna know is, what's on my mind this time? Well, some recent, some not-so-recent, and some fairly old events have caused me to re-evaluate the meaning of the term "friend". I know yall are like "uh-oh, who knocked over Sherry's Kool-aid?" Ah well I wish it were so simple. But actually it is a lot deeper for me than you may imagine. It's funny because nowadays, the term friend is used quite loosely. Especially on the internet. You have "myspace...