Blog readers!!! I know you are surprised to see a new blog from me as I said I was going on a hiatus. But recently the Spirit of God has been speaking to me and I have to be obediant...Thus here I am bloggin' a blog. Let me preface this blog (cause sometimes you have to preface stuff to let people know up front where you are coming from or they will get all offended...not yall but I know you know someone like that...) by saying I am not writing this to purposely offend anyone, I am not writing this to promote any political agenda and if it is taken anyway other than the spirit in which I am writing (love), I apologize up front. Let's face it folks, this election process has been one of the most exciting, strange, and annoying all at once that I have ever experienced. Yes, I'm gonna say it, most black folks are really happy about Obama's chance at becoming President. No problem with that. Just like there is no problem with some women being excited about Palin having a ch...