Let me preface this blog (cause sometimes you have to preface stuff to let people know up front where you are coming from or they will get all offended...not yall but I know you know someone like that...) by saying I am not writing this to purposely offend anyone, I am not writing this to promote any political agenda and if it is taken anyway other than the spirit in which I am writing (love), I apologize up front.
Let's face it folks, this election process has been one of the most exciting, strange, and annoying all at once that I have ever experienced. Yes, I'm gonna say it, most black folks are really happy about Obama's chance at becoming President. No problem with that. Just like there is no problem with some women being excited about Palin having a chance at being the first female VP. But folks I have to tell ya, there is a problem with turning excitement into obsession! And while we don't want to acknowledge the BIG OL' ELEPHANT, election insanity, it is becoming real prevalent! For instance, how uncool is it for a man to hold a woman at gun point force his views on her b/c she is an Obama supporter or for two guys to hang a Palin mannequin from their roof with a noose. Come on people, the election process is not new...but what this one has done was uncover just how extreme folks can be...Anyway, I will be glad when the election is over...I am tired of the craziness, the tv ads, the yards signs, the racism, and most of all, the emails...Oh yeah, I have been getting tons of emails from both sides...pro-Obama and pro-McCain...
But here is what I really want to get in to and I am trying to let the Lord lead me, so hang in there. A month of Sundays ago, I was on my way to church, and I passed some street vendors. This is nothing new...but this particular Sunday, my attention was drawn to the t-shirts he was selling. These were Obama t-shirts with his face on the front, blowing in the Sunday morning breeze. And I thought, wow, suppose folks were this excited about Jesus?...not that I am saying they should've been selling t-shirts with Jesus on the front...wouldn't make sense no way since we don't know what Jesus looks like...anyway, my point is not about the t-shirts but about the mind set. Then my thoughts went to, is any of this (the t-shirts, the buttons, the dolls, etc...) a form of idoltry? Think about it...People from both sides are really consumed with these four individuals (Obama/Biden, McCain/Palin) to the point of feuding with family members, losing friends, vandalism, and saddest of all wanting to physically harm or kill those who don't see as you do...Are people for real? Have they made mini gods out of these folks?
A friend shared a conversation with me. She said a guy made the statement to her, that as a Christian, she should vote for Obama because he stands for hope, the same kind of hope that Jesus stood for... my initial thought was, "you gotta be freakin' kiddin me?" Folks, we need to be very careful...God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow...Now, let me say, this has no reflection on what I think about Obama because as far as I know he never asked anyone to place him on a pedistal or compare his seeking a government office to the death and ressurrection of Jesus the Christ. I think he wants to be president because he feels like he can make a difference...which is how I am sure McCain feels as well. They just have different approaches...
As recently as yesterday, I received this email about a fast. Now I believe wholeheartedly in fasting. So I am like let's see what this is about...the email was encouraging folks, as Christians, to fast for Obama. And I thought hmmmm...it didn't sit well with me and I couldn't figure out why. I mean I certainly don't want any harm to come to him or no one else...and I believe in fasting...so what was my problem? Then God spoke to me...
As a Christian, in light of all the evil and craziness behind this year's election...wouldn't it be more appropriate to fast for all parties involved and over the whole process? As a Christian, my concern should not be limited to just who I want to become President. Let's look past earthly matters and turn our hearts and minds to the things of God who is concerned about all of His creation. Let's fast that whoever is elected will humble himself and acknowledge the I AM and seek His face for wisdom and understanding. God is still in charge whether you believe it or not. No one, and I mean NO ONE, not Barack, not John can do anything unless it is God's Will and God's allows him too. Let's fast because folks are going crazy over this election and some strange times are coming in America. We got folks out here plotting to decapitate black folks and kill Obama...why should I have a target on my back because they don't want a black man for president? How crazy is that? People attacking and beating McCain campaign workers! What cause is this helping or promoting? I will tell you, it is promoting the work of the enemy! And God is not pleased with us. If we are gonna fast about something, we need to fast that God's mercy will appear and not His wrath!
God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow! He is showing us but we are too consumed to see it. Believe tough times are coming. Let's fast that the folks who don't know Jesus will come to know Him. On Christ the solid rock we need to stand because all other ground is sinking sand.
There will be no redemption and salvation coming from the next United States President. While making history would be a defining moment...HIS STORY is the one we need to focus on if we are gonna make it. Let's fast and ask God to forgive us for putting our trust in man and not in Him. God is a jealous God, He told us this and if you know the WORD, He has destroyed entire nations (men, women, children, and animals) just to get the attention of His people.
Just something to consider. It is my prayer that I said this the way God wanted me to. And if I didn't, Lord please forgive me...
Be blessed Blog Readers! Not sure when I will pass this way again. But you never know...