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2009 New Year's Resolution

Blog readers! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and as the new year approaches let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year! I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I were going to write another blog and my answer was sure, if I am so inspired. Well, with the new year approaching, I thought what better way to express myself than put my resolution in a blog. So what is my resolution? It is simple but it is important, I am no longer going to worry about the "haters"! Now I am sure you are asking, "surely Sherry, you don't have haters?" Honestly I don't know if I do or not, but I am serving notice on any past, present, or future ones. As I feel like I need to purge and get some stuff off my chest in order to start the year off fresh! I am not taking anything negative into my new year! No negative vibes and no negative energy! Who's with me?

Anyhoo, on facebook, my cousin often uses this expression, "all the haters can go kick rocks!" And I thought, hmmmmm...I like that! In this context, it simply means, "get outta my face" or "move on" or "leave me alone", or "go find something else to do with your time"...So here I am at almost 2 in the morning, on behalf of myself and others like me, telling all the haters to KICK ROCKS! Maybe I should knew I would...

  1. If my efforts to live God's Way and do God's Will offends some folks, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  2. If the fact I know that I am not perfect but I know how and not too proud to seek God's forgiveness bothers some folks, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  3. If the fact that I can be happy and single until God wants me happy and married turns some folks world inside out, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  4. If the fact I am still in school turns some folks stomachs even though they don't receive my tuition bill, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  5. If when I tell some folks what degree I am working on causes them to make assumptions about me, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  6. If the fact I love Jesus and fear God causes me to try to and make good, godly decisions baffles some folks, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  7. If the fact I believe in the power of prayer, and pray in public or in private messes with some folks minds, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  8. If when I don't do the things some folks think I should do just cause they think I should or cause it's what they do sticks in their crow, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  9. If the fact I have learned how to handle adversity, take hard knocks, bounce back and still love and serve God gets some folks blood boiling then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!
  10. If the fact I don't claim to be a perfect Christian, but I am an UNAPOLOGETIC CHRISTIAN makes some folks nerves stand on end, then they are haters and can go KICK ROCKS!

BONUS - If you profess to be a Christian and ashamed to say it, worried more about what others think than what God thinks, only seek God when there's a problem, too proud to admit you ain't got it all together, and find living for God an inconvenience but expect God to be on His job 24-7, then while God ain't gonna say this 'cause He loves you, I am telling you to go KICK ROCKS!!!

*This blog is dedicated to the men and women of God, who know their purpose and not afraid to walk in it! Remember there were some folks that didn't understand Jesus either! :) AMEN!


Anonymous said…
Sis, thanks for the blog. I wish you had written this before I wrote you that lengthy e-mail at 1:00am in the morning! Thanks for the inspiration. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Hi Easterbaby!

Such a worthy resolution... No time for haters or kickin' rocks, too busy planning to make positive changes in the 09!

Don't let the haters overshadow those of us who are genuinely rooting for your success!!!

Keep doin' you!!!
Anonymous said…
Welcome back. Great piece!

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