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Showing posts from 2010

My "TIME" 2010 People of the Year!

Blog Readers! Now you know I could not end the year, the DECADE without a shout out, a blog, words of wisdom (ok, maybe I am the only one to think my words are wise) without sharing with my PEEPS!!! You guys are still my peeps, right? Yes, I know my blogs have been few and far between BUT that's going to change in 2011. Oh yes, more of my words of wisdom (there I go again, who do I think I am?) for 2011. So what's changed? Glad you asked. I know you think this is about a resolution to write more. Sort of, but it's more about a resolution to BE WHO I AM! Writing is who I am, it's what I do! So I'm going to do what I do cause it's what I do! How about you? (I must think I'm Dr. Suess! lol!) In all seriousness, I miss writing and I have had so much I've wanted to say. Life Happens of course but I have to thank a few folks who in their own way and unknowingly, showed me why I must REMEMBER WHO I AM (in my Mufasa voice) and be better at it.Thus, the reason fo...

"I'm Living the Single, Single, Single...LIFE!!!"

Blog Readers! What's happening? I hope all is well! I've so many things I wanted to write about but of course, it always takes one thing to take my mind in a different direction. So what's on my mind this time? Glad you asked! It was actually something I had comtemplated many times but a single status on Facebook, inspired me to write this blog...Are you single, as in UNMARRIED, then this might be for you! :) Back in the 80's, I guess, the R&B group Cameo, made a hit song entitled "Single Life" and when that song played, folks thought being single was the best thing since sliced bread. But it would seem that as you get older, the single life is not such a good some that is. And my question is, Why is that? I mean, being single is not a disease, it is merely a "state of being". Now can't speak for all single people but I know some of yall have gotten, "the questions". And I often wonder if folks ever think before they spe...

Faking the Funk...A Church Confession...

BLOG READERS!!! I tell you I thought I would never make it back to my blog but alas, here I am. I noticed my last blog was back on May of 09...Great Day! So much has transpired since then...I won't bore you with the details since most of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway, some of my beloved blog readers got this message via email, but I decided why not get the ol' blogger up and running again. So I am posting the message I sent to some, for many others to read. I mean, why deny others what's on my mind! LOL! As you know, having to move from NC to VA has brought about the need for me to search for a new place of worship. So each Sunday, I put on my DORA the EXPLORER church hat (figuratively that is) and visit different churches in the area of Fredericksburg. Black congregations, white congregations, doesn't matter to me! (We, Christians really need to work on that whole segregated Sunday worship thing...but I digress). Anyhoo, today was no different; ho...