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Showing posts from November, 2015


OH...EM...GEE! Who's blogging again? What's funny is OMG wasn't even popular when I wrote my last blog in 2010. Yep it's been that long. So, how y'all been Blog Readers? Healthy, Happy, and Whole, I hope!  To my faithful readers, you might remember that one of my first blogs was about the history of the song, It is Well with My Soul which I wrote in 2005. That was 10 years ago... and guess what? Even So, It Is Well with My Soul! Ain't nothing changed! :) I guess you're wondering what brought me back. Actually, it was this song that brought me back. Here's how... The other day, I went to the mailbox and I had a letter which had a return address but no name. I thought hmmmm, a chain letter no doubt (Can you believe people still send those?). Anyhoo, I opened it and inside was the background story and the words to the song It is Well. I looked at the address again and then it became clear who sent me this song. A friend of mine, who shares the same love...