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OH...EM...GEE! Who's blogging again? What's funny is OMG wasn't even popular when I wrote my last blog in 2010. Yep it's been that long. So, how y'all been Blog Readers? Healthy, Happy, and Whole, I hope!  To my faithful readers, you might remember that one of my first blogs was about the history of the song, It is Well with My Soul which I wrote in 2005. That was 10 years ago... and guess what? Even So, It Is Well with My Soul! Ain't nothing changed! :)

I guess you're wondering what brought me back. Actually, it was this song that brought me back. Here's how... The other day, I went to the mailbox and I had a letter which had a return address but no name. I thought hmmmm, a chain letter no doubt (Can you believe people still send those?). Anyhoo, I opened it and inside was the background story and the words to the song It is Well. I looked at the address again and then it became clear who sent me this song. A friend of mine, who shares the same love for this song, was likely behind this unexpected letter. She and I had talked at length about this song and what it meant to us. Of  course, I had to give her a call and let her know I got it.

Now at first, I thought she sent it to share the history of the song which I already knew but I was pleasantly surprised at her reason for sending this to me. She told me that recently she was dealing with some challenges as we all do. Lord knows! Lord knows! She told me one night after waking up extra early, she decided to check her email and saw one from me. Anyone that has ever received an email from the Easterbaby, knows I have the link to my blog in my signature. Welp, this particular night, she decided to click the link and read my blog. To her surprise, she read something that she wasn't expecting and as such, she felt God speak to her... letting her know that everything was going to be alright and she was comforted!

WOW! Imagine that! A blog I wrote in 2010 was used by God to provide peace in the middle of a storm! She pointed this out to me. She told me that you never know how your writing is going to help someone, even 5 years later so KEEP WRITING! That's what she said. KEEP WRITING!

I had stopped writing. Life happened. Priorities changed. Health challenges. Work schedule. Just plain laziness! I had stopped reading and I stopped writing. And every time I had an opportunity to write and didn't, I'm sure a little piece of my soul died. Oh I hear ya... Sherry, it's not that serious? You're being dramatic. Yes my friends, it is that serious. And I thank God, He didn't give up on me when I had given up on myself!

Moral of the story, you never know who God will use to speak into your life or through your gifts whose life He will speak to. After five years, He used me to speak to someone who five years later spoke to me! *You'll get that after while!* With that said, you haven't heard the last of me... in the words of the former Governor of California, "I'LL BE BACK!"


Unknown said…
I got it EasterBaby. Ms. BB
Unknown said…
I got it EasterBaby. Ms. BB

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