Ten years later... I have seen FB evolve into this fascinating world that most of us can't get enough of! With that said, there are many reasons I like FB. I get to connect with people I wouldn't normally chat with on a regular basis. I've been able to watch children grow up right before my very eyes. I've met interesting people over the years, some of which have become great friends. Plus, I get to share my thoughts with the world b/c that's what I do (which is pretty obvious...lol!). I could go on but I'm sure you can guess (by my attached picture), this blog is NOT about what I love about FB. Nope, this blog is about my FB pet peeves. Now as you read through these pet peeves and if you see yourself in any of them, don't be "SEN-SEE-TIVE"! I still have nothing but love for ya anyhow... Just remember, this is only ONE woman's thoughts. So let's count 'em down:
10. Who ya gonna call... Grammar Police! Yes, I am one of those people. I am editing posts in my head and thinking, "Did they proofread this?" "It's You're for You Are not Your!" "Did they really repost and cosign on this meme with the bad grammar!" LOL! Sorry, I don't care how deep and life changing the post is, if it has bad grammar, I can't share it. And for the love of all things good and decent, if you are advertising a business, PROOFREAD! (Note - typing in dialect is not what I'm referring to... shol' ain't!)
9 - Mo' Money! Mo' Money! This one truly baffles me b/c even the most educated of people fall for the whole "share this post and some rich guy is gonna give you money" thing! People, I have just one thing to say, NO THEY AREN'T! So just stop! Ask yourself, if you were a billionaire, would you pass out money to random strangers on FB? Nooooo! By chance if the answer is yes, forget the random stranger and just send me a check, money order, gift card, etc! :)
8 - I luh God, You don't luh God? What's wrong wit chu? Taking lyrics from a popular gospel song that I really dislike to express my #8. I love God with all my heart and I have yet to type "Amen" on any FB request that asks me to type AMEN if I love the Lord! If you really want to prove that you love God, live a life that pleases Him and share the gospel as Jesus commanded. Stop with the guilt trip memes! God told me to tell you, He knows my heart!
7 - I guess I told you! Don't you love those posts where someone is telling someone off on FB? I mean they are giving them the business! And if you're like me, you've got the popcorn ready b/c it's about to be on... or so you thought. You check back to see if the someone who got told off responds and they don't. The popcorn is now stale. It would seem all that hoopin' and hollerin' was for naught. It's entertaining, yes but honestly, if you have a problem with someone, tell them directly and not through FB. It's the adult thing to do.
6 - What happens on FB stays on FB... Forever! Not sure how many times or ways this can be said but here goes. Once it's posted on FB or the internet, it's never going away. You can delete it and re-delete it, and blow your computer up with a bomb! Your post really just transitioned to Internet Land where posts go to retire until a hacker or the Gov'ment calls it out of retirement. People think that it's only the young folks who don't get this but it's some good and grown folks who miss this point every day!
Well, thanks for reading my 1st blog of the year... since I need to spend time proofreading this post (again and again and one for good measure) so I don't appear hypocritical, I am going to stop at #6. Part 2 with #5 through #1 will be coming soon... so STAY TUNED!!!