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Showing posts from July, 2005

You Go Condi!!!

Forbes magazine has published a list of the World's Most Powerful Women. And Dr. Condoleezza Rice was picked to be number one. Now I am not sure how you feel about her considering her affiliation with Pres. G.W.B. or her style (but the hair is improving). But if you are a woman and an African American woman, you gotta admit this is kinda cool. I mean, do you think in Dr. King's dreams that he saw a black woman named the most powerful in the world in the year 2005? And when Forbes picked the women in the World, they weren't talking about the USA only. Sometimes I hate the "In the World Lists" because it only includes folks from the USA. And guess what, despite what we believe over here, we are NOT THE WORLD ! Anyway, I digress...Condi tops a list of women who are running things all over the world such as in Wu Yi, the Vice Premier, former Vice Mayor of Beijing, China who is #2 or Megawati Sukarnoputri (I challenge anybody to pronouce that name) who is the President...

If a Man Wants You!!!

I received this email just today and I thought it was very interesting. I thought I would put it here and add my own spin to each "Do" and "Don't". But first off, have you ever wondered why it is necessary for women to keep reminding themselves about things like this. I wonder if men sit around and discuss or share emails on how to avoid being in a bad relationship with us women. But for some reason, we as women are always on guard and advising one another on how to avoid making mistakes. Of course, God said in his WORD through the Apostle Paul that there would be days like this. 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 7 says: 1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Go...


One of my favorite hymns is "It is Well with My Soul" by Horatio G. Spafford. One day I was feeling alittle out of sorts, so I went online to find the words to this song to inspire me. Well, as I was looking I came across the story of Mr. Spafford and thought it was interesting at the point in his life in which he wrote this song. I now have a new appreciation for the words. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good today but there maybe someone who needs encouraging. So here is a brief history of Horatio Spafford and the Words to the song, "It is Well with My Soul!" This hymn was written following a series of major traumatic events in the life of Horatio G. Spafford. The first was the death of his son. Shortly after the death of his son came the great Chicago fire of October 1871. Spafford had invested heavily in real estate along the shores of Lake Michigan and his holdings were wiped out by this disaster. Feeling a need for a vacation for his family and desiring to join ...

Discovery Crew - Please send food

Well, the Discovery has made it safely into outer space. Here at school, folks were gathered around the TV waiting for the ship to launch. I was asked if I was excited and wanted to see the launch. And I guess being in the engineering field, I probably should have been all up in the TV. But I told them no because I feel like the money can be used to do more here. Yes, Yes, research is good. At least I must think so since I am doing it...right? But here's my feelings about this - couldn't those millions of dollars be used to feed some hungry children or provide some medication for the elderly who have to choose between food and medicine, or provide support the families of the troops overseas. None of these apply to you...well how about using the money to help lower the gas prices or pay the teachers more money to teach these unruly children!!! Anyway, I hope while in space the crew of the Discovery will discover an abundant supply of space food that will end world hunger. If not...

Good Times Marathon

I have been watching the Good Times marathon on TVland all weekend. Right now I am looking at the Penny episodes where she is being abused. I remember watching that as a kid, and I was like scared of that mom and that iron. I don't know if I have ever looked at an iron the same. (that and the wire hangers - not from Good Times but that other mom beating kid movie...the name escapes me.) Can you believe I fell asleep on the James is dead episode? I miss Florida's famous last words (yall know 'em so I won't repeat). Anyway, what I have learned so far from this marathon: (1) James Evans Sr. was an angry man. I don't know how Florida put up with that. It's a wonder he hadn't died way before he did from a heart attack. (2) The family never locked the door because Willona always just walked in. This is funny since they live in the ghetto and always talked about crime. (3) Janet Jackson was a pretty good little actress, what happen? (4) If tv adds 10 lbs, I wonder ...

Is it just BET?

Last week I saw on the news a story where one of the local ministers in my city is calling for a petition and boycott of BET. He is calling for BET to revise their programming for more educational programs and less videos and other programming with questionable material. Well, why I agree BET could do better (remember the days of Donnie Simpson- the good ol' days) fact I hardly even watch BET...but is a BET boycott fair? Let me explain... My question when I heard of this preacher's efforts, is why stop there? There are alot of things wrong with tv. Not just BET. I mean there is so much garbage on tv on just about all the channels. Even the cartoon network, after a certain time at night, has garbage on it. Letters/petitions should be flying to every network (except maybe Disney, I think they may still be okay). Now I believe we are responsible as adults for what our children take in. And this includes the adults w...

Whose fault is it when children kill?

I recently read this article entitled "8 year old charged in baby's death". In essense, a 8 year old boy kicked, punched and beat his 7 month old sister with a 2 by 4. Someone asked the question "Where is God when stuff like this happens? He knows what is going to happen before it happens..." In response to the question, here was my opinion on the subject: God is always here but the devil will use whoever to do whatever! That is why it is important for adults (not just parents - the community) to start teaching children about God as early as possible. It is still a matter of free will to make the right decisions even in an child. We can't blame God only ourselves because He has given us the WORD to follow and we don't. God gave us permission to chastise our children but we don't because we say its wrong. But what does God say? Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:15 - F...

WELCOME to my blog!

I finally have a place to put all the things that are on my mind. I usually send out bulk email when I have a thought and want to share but now I am a blogger. Welcome to my blog spot! I hope you have as much fun reading as I am sure I will have reading your responses. Sit back, buckle up, and enjoy the ride into the MIND OF THE EASTERBABY!