Forbes magazine has published a list of the World's Most Powerful Women. And Dr. Condoleezza Rice was picked to be number one. Now I am not sure how you feel about her considering her affiliation with Pres. G.W.B. or her style (but the hair is improving). But if you are a woman and an African American woman, you gotta admit this is kinda cool. I mean, do you think in Dr. King's dreams that he saw a black woman named the most powerful in the world in the year 2005? And when Forbes picked the women in the World, they weren't talking about the USA only. Sometimes I hate the "In the World Lists" because it only includes folks from the USA. And guess what, despite what we believe over here, we are NOT THE WORLD ! Anyway, I digress...Condi tops a list of women who are running things all over the world such as in Wu Yi, the Vice Premier, former Vice Mayor of Beijing, China who is #2 or Megawati Sukarnoputri (I challenge anybody to pronouce that name) who is the President...