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Is it just BET?

Last week I saw on the news a story where one of the local ministers in my city is calling for a petition and boycott of BET.

He is calling for BET to revise their programming for more educational programs and less videos and other programming with questionable material. Well, why I agree BET could do better (remember the days of Donnie Simpson- the good ol' days) fact I hardly even watch BET...but is a BET boycott fair? Let me explain...

My question when I heard of this preacher's efforts, is why stop there? There are alot of things wrong with tv. Not just BET. I mean there is so much garbage on tv on just about all the channels. Even the cartoon network, after a certain time at night, has garbage on it. Letters/petitions should be flying to every network (except maybe Disney, I think they may still be okay). Now I believe we are responsible as adults for what our children take in. And this includes the adults who work in entertainment. I wonder if they let their children watch some of the stuff they produce??? Anyway, I think it is unfair to blame only BET for corrupting our kids.


Sylvia McClain said…
BET, NBC, or whatever. I remember when my son was about three and looked to become addicted to TV. What did I do? I cancelled TV. I unplugged it and put it in storage for one year. It was the best thing I ever did for my child. During that one year, we went to good movies, live shows (rodeos, circus,etc.) Now my adult son is picky about what he watches on televison and really has no desire to watch it if it is not a movie on. Everyone has a choice, you don't like it, don't watch it. No viewers means no reason to show.
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