Tuesday, January 05, 2016

My Facebook Top 10 Part 1: #10 through #6

HAPPY NEW YEAR BLOG READERS! Told you I'd be back. So did you make any New Year resolutions? Personally, I like to think of them as goals as opposed to resolutions. Anyhoo, one of my 2016 goals is to write, write, write... which includes writing in my little blog. Soooo, welcome to my first blog post of 2016. If by the title of this blog, you guessed this blog was about Facebook or FB, you'd be correct. My history with FB goes back to 2006 when it was only for college students (at the time I was still in graduate school). Then it happened... they opened FB up to the whole world and things have never been the same... NEVER.. EVER!!!

Ten years later... I have seen FB evolve into this fascinating world that most of us can't get enough of! With that said, there are many reasons I like FB. I get to connect with people I wouldn't normally chat with on a regular basis. I've been able to watch children grow up right before my very eyes. I've met interesting people over the years, some of which have become great friends. Plus, I get to share my thoughts with the world b/c that's what I do (which is pretty obvious...lol!). I could go on but I'm sure you can guess (by my attached picture), this blog is NOT about what I love about FB. Nope, this blog is about my FB pet peeves. Now as you read through these pet peeves and if you see yourself in any of them, don't be "SEN-SEE-TIVE"! I still have nothing but love for ya anyhow... Just remember, this is only ONE woman's thoughts. So let's count 'em down:

10. Who ya gonna call... Grammar Police! Yes, I am one of those people. I am editing posts in my head and thinking, "Did they proofread this?" "It's You're for You Are not Your!" "Did they really repost and cosign on this meme with the bad grammar!" LOL! Sorry, I don't care how deep and life changing the post is, if it has bad grammar, I can't share it. And for the love of all things good and decent, if you are advertising a business, PROOFREAD! (Note - typing in dialect is not what I'm referring to... shol' ain't!)

9 - Mo' Money! Mo' Money! This one truly baffles me b/c even the most educated of people fall for the whole "share this post and some rich guy is gonna give you money" thing! People, I have just one thing to say, NO THEY AREN'T! So just stop! Ask yourself, if you were a billionaire, would you pass out money to random strangers on FB? Nooooo! By chance if the answer is yes, forget the random stranger and just send me a check, money order, gift card, etc! :)

8 - I luh God, You don't luh God? What's wrong wit chu? Taking lyrics from a popular gospel song that I really dislike to express my #8. I love God with all my heart and I have yet to type "Amen" on any FB request that asks me to type AMEN if I love the Lord! If you really want to prove that you love God, live a life that pleases Him and share the gospel as Jesus commanded. Stop with the guilt trip memes! God told me to tell you, He knows my heart!

7 - I guess I told you! Don't you love those posts where someone is telling someone off on FB? I mean they are giving them the business! And if you're like me, you've got the popcorn ready b/c it's about to be on... or so you thought. You check back to see if the someone who got told off responds and they don't. The popcorn is now stale. It would seem all that hoopin' and hollerin' was for naught. It's entertaining, yes but honestly, if you have a problem with someone, tell them directly and not through FB. It's the adult thing to do.

6 - What happens on FB stays on FB... Forever! Not sure how many times or ways this can be said but here goes. Once it's posted on FB or the internet, it's never going away. You can delete it and re-delete it, and blow your computer up with a bomb! Your post really just transitioned to Internet Land where posts go to retire until a hacker or the Gov'ment calls it out of retirement. People think that it's only the young folks who don't get this but it's some good and grown folks who miss this point every day!

Well, thanks for reading my 1st blog of the year... since I need to spend time proofreading this post (again and again and one for good measure) so I don't appear hypocritical, I am going to stop at #6. Part 2 with #5 through #1 will be coming soon... so STAY TUNED!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015


OH...EM...GEE! Who's blogging again? What's funny is OMG wasn't even popular when I wrote my last blog in 2010. Yep it's been that long. So, how y'all been Blog Readers? Healthy, Happy, and Whole, I hope!  To my faithful readers, you might remember that one of my first blogs was about the history of the song, It is Well with My Soul which I wrote in 2005. That was 10 years ago... and guess what? Even So, It Is Well with My Soul! Ain't nothing changed! :)

I guess you're wondering what brought me back. Actually, it was this song that brought me back. Here's how... The other day, I went to the mailbox and I had a letter which had a return address but no name. I thought hmmmm, a chain letter no doubt (Can you believe people still send those?). Anyhoo, I opened it and inside was the background story and the words to the song It is Well. I looked at the address again and then it became clear who sent me this song. A friend of mine, who shares the same love for this song, was likely behind this unexpected letter. She and I had talked at length about this song and what it meant to us. Of  course, I had to give her a call and let her know I got it.

Now at first, I thought she sent it to share the history of the song which I already knew but I was pleasantly surprised at her reason for sending this to me. She told me that recently she was dealing with some challenges as we all do. Lord knows! Lord knows! She told me one night after waking up extra early, she decided to check her email and saw one from me. Anyone that has ever received an email from the Easterbaby, knows I have the link to my blog in my signature. Welp, this particular night, she decided to click the link and read my blog. To her surprise, she read something that she wasn't expecting and as such, she felt God speak to her... letting her know that everything was going to be alright and she was comforted!

WOW! Imagine that! A blog I wrote in 2010 was used by God to provide peace in the middle of a storm! She pointed this out to me. She told me that you never know how your writing is going to help someone, even 5 years later so KEEP WRITING! That's what she said. KEEP WRITING!

I had stopped writing. Life happened. Priorities changed. Health challenges. Work schedule. Just plain laziness! I had stopped reading and I stopped writing. And every time I had an opportunity to write and didn't, I'm sure a little piece of my soul died. Oh I hear ya... Sherry, it's not that serious? You're being dramatic. Yes my friends, it is that serious. And I thank God, He didn't give up on me when I had given up on myself!

Moral of the story, you never know who God will use to speak into your life or through your gifts whose life He will speak to. After five years, He used me to speak to someone who five years later spoke to me! *You'll get that after while!* With that said, you haven't heard the last of me... in the words of the former Governor of California, "I'LL BE BACK!"

Friday, December 31, 2010

My "TIME" 2010 People of the Year!

Blog Readers! Now you know I could not end the year, the DECADE without a shout out, a blog, words of wisdom (ok, maybe I am the only one to think my words are wise) without sharing with my PEEPS!!! You guys are still my peeps, right? Yes, I know my blogs have been few and far between BUT that's going to change in 2011. Oh yes, more of my words of wisdom (there I go again, who do I think I am?) for 2011. So what's changed? Glad you asked. I know you think this is about a resolution to write more. Sort of, but it's more about a resolution to BE WHO I AM! Writing is who I am, it's what I do! So I'm going to do what I do cause it's what I do! How about you? (I must think I'm Dr. Suess! lol!) In all seriousness, I miss writing and I have had so much I've wanted to say. Life Happens of course but I have to thank a few folks who in their own way and unknowingly, showed me why I must REMEMBER WHO I AM (in my Mufasa voice) and be better at it.Thus, the reason for this blog!

So I'm sure you all are familiar with Time Magazine always choosing a Person of the Year! Based on some criteria that I think revolves around their impact on the world for that year. This year they picked the Facebook creator. (I can't say FB hasn't impacted my world b/c it has greatly! Whew! That's a whole other blog right there! LOL!) Anyway, I thought about it and I thought about who I'd pick, not for impact on the BIG world, but for impact on MY world in 2010. However, before I continue let me include a DISCLAIMER: I cannot list every family member or every friend I have on this list. Even if your name is not here, doesn't mean I don't love ya! Absolutely, family and friends have an impact on my life. But this is about the year 2010 and the people who have (without even knowing it) have caused me to think more deeply about myself, who I am, what I want, and where I am headed from 2011 and beyond.

These are my 2010 PEOPLE OF THE YEAR (no particular order):

Angela M. Hines - Met Angela several years ago and since she turned into one of my dearest friends and Sister in Christ. But it wasn't until the summer of 2010, that I realized why I am truly blessed to know her. Always ready to run for the Kingdom of God, I knew Angela loved the Lord and wanted to do His Will. As a PHD student, I know exactly how time consuming research and school can be. But even still, God's work comes first in Angela's life and she took time out of her life to go on a mission for Christ in the Dominican Republic. With a dissertation to write and a grad. student's budget, she went depending on God to suppy all her needs while she did His Will! Thanks to Angela I understand what sacrificing for God truly is! I needed this lesson!

Dwella Moton Nelson - Met her at a PHD conference in Tampa, FL in a real,  random fashion, cried at Secret Life of Bees and found out she was a true Woman of God. But I know many woman of God, here's what I'd like to thank Dwella for, teaching me about A RIGHT NOW prayer! I asked Dwella to pray for me many times during this year as I dealt with different things and she never, ever waited. Nope, Dwella was praying right then and there!!! Her actions really caused me over the course of 2010 to think about my prayer life and how important it is to pray for people when they ask for prayer! It blessed me when she did that more than she'll ever know! It showed she truly cared and at that moment, my request was a priority! If there were to be a definition and picture in the dictionary of A Prayer Warrior, there is Dwella (striking a pose)!

Eddie Goines - Met Eddie during my life and times at NCSU (Go Pack!) and reconnected on FB then Twitter. I knew Eddie was moving from pro football to acting when I ran into him at The National Black Theater Festival several years ago. Since then he's really been chasing his girl "Thespia", maybe yall seen him in Beyonce's "If I were a Boy video", he was "the Boy".  Eddie knows what he wants more than anyone I've come in contact with but here's what Eddie doesn't know. His vision and passion for his craft, has really caused me to reevaluate the love for my craft! I know now I must begin chasing my boy, "Author"! That desire, that drive, that's how I want to feel and I need to DO IT!!! Taken from Eddie's Youtube Hit, "I love my girl but she don't love me back!" I say, "Author, I'm not living without you, I don't wanna be free, I'm staying, I'm staying, and you and you, you're gonna LOVE ME! (if you don't get, Author = writing! lol!)

Sequola "Cola" McCallum - I met Cola and we became friends while in graduate school and she is one of the most genuine people I know! But again, I know a few other genuine folks. That's not why I have her as one of my persons of the year. While facing adversity in 2010, Cola has shown me what PEACE in the mist of a storm looks like, "taking lemons and not just making lemonade but opening up a lemonade stand." I've heard many people claim to be overcomers in Christ Jesus but Cola is the gospel in the flesh! 2010 was somewhat challenging for me healthwise but I know I can overcome in 2011, Thanks to Cola, I understand true overcoming and come what may...God is Good! Thus, my favorite hymn, It Is Well with My Soul! has a whole new meaning for me b/c of Cola's humble YET strong Godly witness!

Ron Dortch, Tarra Ellis, and Kitrinka Gordon - Why all 3? These are 3 of the coolest folks on FB! But I know alot of cool folks on FB but these are the founders of "The 24 Hour Praise Party" and "Happenings in the Tre4!" Folks have many reasons for going on FB. Not sure what my initial reason was but I discovered and reconnected with good people and these 3 are among the best! But they took social networking a step further, they decided to use FB to uplift Jesus and uplift the community. Rev. Ron and Minister Tarra use the 24 Hour Praise Party to bring the Gospel to the WWW via FB, Twitter, and other online media! You can find Ron preaching to the masses online every Thursday or expect a God-ordained Word to flow through Tarra via the Praise Party. Kitrinka, (or as I like to call her "Trinkalinka"), Happenings in the Tre4 (aka Winston-Salem, NC for those that don't know what Tre4 is) is more informative than US Today and the NY Times put together. Sharing jobs announcements, promoting local businesses, local events, Happenings is all about community UNITY!!! From these 3 individuals, I have learned that you don't need alot to make BIG, POSITIVE things happen as long as you understand how to make the most of what you have been given!

Often people, without knowing, do things which seem routine to them, turn out to really mean something to someone else. Alot of times, we think only the rich and famous can provide motivaton and influence! But in MY world, it's the little things that often mean so much! While TIME MAGAZINE is trying to tell me that Mark Zuckerberg is the Person of the Year, I say, Thanks BUT No Thanks! I kindly decline because when it really counts, it's the unsung heros and she-ros in my life that mean the most to me. And I wanted these folks to know how they impacted my life in 2010!

HAPPY NEW YEAR BLOG READERS!!! May your latter days be much better than your former ones!
Love, Peace, and Blessings!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"I'm Living the Single, Single, Single...LIFE!!!"

Blog Readers! What's happening? I hope all is well! I've so many things I wanted to write about but of course, it always takes one thing to take my mind in a different direction. So what's on my mind this time? Glad you asked! It was actually something I had comtemplated many times but a single status on Facebook, inspired me to write this blog...Are you single, as in UNMARRIED, then this might be for you! :)

Back in the 80's, I guess, the R&B group Cameo, made a hit song entitled "Single Life" and when that song played, folks thought being single was the best thing since sliced bread. But it would seem that as you get older, the single life is not such a good look...to some that is. And my question is, Why is that? I mean, being single is not a disease, it is merely a "state of being". Now can't speak for all single people but I know some of yall have gotten, "the questions". And I often wonder if folks ever think before they speak. Because honestly, when someone asks, "Why aren't you married? What's wrong with you?" I really wonder what they expect the answer to be, "I'm crazy! That's what's wrong with me"...LOL! So let's break down the questions, Easterbaby style...

1) Why aren't you married? What's wrong with you? - Hmmmm, why does something have to be wrong with me? I mean, does being near sighted count as a "wrong"? I have bad sinuses, bad knees...is that a marriage deterrent? I don't know. It's funny because folks ask that question like you can go in the store and buy a marriage? "Excuse me, can I get one marriage and a side of committment, please?" I guess if it were that easy we'd all be married. And honestly, as many divorces there are today, maybe the question should be "Why are you married? What's wrong with you?" If I weren't a Christ follower, I'd probably think, "Clearly, marriage sucks!" based on what I've witnessed. But when God said Let two become one, He knew what He was doing and I believe marriage done right, as in God's way, is a beautiful thing! So let's clear it up, I'm not married but I believe in marriage. Let's move on...

2) Why aren't you married? You must be picky! - Now is it picky or practical? I don't think no one is looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect. I know there's no Mr. Perfect but I believe there's Mr. Perfect...for me! I have flaws (yea, I know yall are shocked but it's true) and he'll have flaws. But we'll be a perfect match, flaws and all! Now Imma keep it real, ax murderers, pedophiles, cross dressers need not apply. Not picky just practical! If I'm saying "I love Jesus!" and he's saying "I love the devil!" It ain't gonna work. If I'm saying "Crack is whack!" and he's starring in "Crackheads Gone Wild", it ain't gonna work. (btw - there is a video called "Crackheads Gone Wild!") I know I'm being extreme but what am I saying, you have to be "equally yoked". That's not only practical but spiritual! Finally, I imagine should I decide to marry Mr. "Any Ol' Body" with dead bodies in the basement, the same folks saying, you must be picky, would be saying, "why in the world did Sherry marry him? Guess since she's getting older, she decided to "settle"...LOL! And since I can't win in man's eyes, I'll simply trust God.  :)

3) Why aren't you married? Aren't you unhappy & lonely? - Is that right? Lonely? Unhappy? Being married makes you less lonely and happy? Let's ask all those folks headed to divorce court trying to become single. I've seen Judge Mabeline and the folks on there don't look happy to me! (most look like stars in Crackheads Gone Wild  but that's not the point). Thing is, happiness isn't found in marriage and it isn't found in singleness. I think we are happy when we can find contentment in whatever state we are in. Paul says in Phil. 4:11-13 (NIV),

11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

Or in the words of my favorite hymn, "Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, It is well with my soul!" Bottomline, life is short. So do you spend your life unhappy about something that may not happen. Not everyone is meant to be married, so should that person live in a state of depression? What if they live to be 102 1/2,? That's a long time to be unhappy! :) No I say, live life, enjoy life until God says different. Besides most folks who ask this are unhappy people and wonder how come you're not unhappy too! So Sherry, you're saying you're always happy and content? Of course not, I have flaws, remember? But what did Paul say, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Thus, with His help, I can push what I think I want aside and learn to live in contentment in every situation! That's happiness! :)

 4) Why aren't you married? Why don't you have kids? - Actually sometimes, folks ask about the kids before finding out if you're married Sign of the times, I suppose. But this kid question is another one of those questions asked as if you can go purchase kids at Wal-Mart. "Price check on Little Leroy, Line 12!" Just to be clear, #1, having children is a lifetime commitment and responsibility. Not a whimsical department store purchase. #2, and I can only speak for Sherry, first the marriage then the kids. No marriage, no kids. But Sherry, what about your "clock"? Oh yeah, that...the biological clock. Well, if I weren't a Christ follower, I'd say, you're right, times almost up! However, my bible tells me, nothing, NO THING is impossible for God! So if it's His Will for me to have one child (cool!), twins (whatcha doin' Lord?), or triplets (Why Lord Why?!?!) at the age of 55 (Dear Lord, You don't really have do that, I'm just speaking hypothetically for illustration, you know how I do!), then His Will shall be done!

The bottomline is, It is what It is. Life, whatever your state (married, single, divorced or my fav. "it's complicated"), comes with up and downs! You have to learn to deal with it and keep it moving. Well, sorry I don't appear to be the sad, messed up, pitiful single soul, folks want me to be. But I gotta do me until God says different. In the meantime, I'm living the SINGLE, SINGLE, SINGLE...LIFE!!! :)

*This is dedicated to all the single people, who love God, love themselves, and love life in spite of!!!*

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Faking the Funk...A Church Confession...

BLOG READERS!!! I tell you I thought I would never make it back to my blog but alas, here I am. I noticed my last blog was back on May of 09...Great Day! So much has transpired since then...I won't bore you with the details since most of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway, some of my beloved blog readers got this message via email, but I decided why not get the ol' blogger up and running again. So I am posting the message I sent to some, for many others to read. I mean, why deny others what's on my mind! LOL! As you know, having to move from NC to VA has brought about the need for me to search for a new place of worship. So each Sunday, I put on my DORA the EXPLORER church hat (figuratively that is) and visit different churches in the area of Fredericksburg. Black congregations, white congregations, doesn't matter to me! (We, Christians really need to work on that whole segregated Sunday worship thing...but I digress). Anyhoo, today was no different; however, something interesting happened at this particular church today and I wanted to share.

Near the end of the service, a young man (mid 20's, maybe) asked the pastor if he could have a word. He seemed shaken and nervous, pausing as if he were holding back tears, clutching his bible. He takes a deep breath and he says he is standing before his church family to say what the Lord has told him to say. My first thought was, oh boy it's about to be good! See it has been my experience that whenever someone stands before a church congregation to say what THE LORD has told them to say, someone in that church is about to be embarrassed or told off! So I think, I picked a good day to come...Oh don't act like I was wrong, some of yall would have thought the same thing...lol!

First thing the young man does is read the following scripture, from James 5:16, which says, "16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Of course this is a particular favorite verse of mine, in fact, I had recently petitioned prayer standing on this very verse so he had my attention for real this time. Now my thoughts were, wow, this guy must be sick! Well, he was sick, not physically as I imagined but according to him, spiritually.

He proceeded to confess that he needed his church families' prayers because he was leading a double life. He confessed that the person they saw & percieved him to be on Sunday, was not how he lived Monday through Saturday. He confessed he had not been honest with his pastor, who turns out is his uncle, and his church family! He admitted that the only thing he knew to do was to stand before his church family and ask for prayer so he could begin to walk in the ways of the Lord. Then he offered a heartfelt apology to those he felt had been trying to guide him. He said some other things so I'm giving the jist. He ended by saying, "it wasn't the teaching that was bad, I just didn't do the right thing!" I was like "WOW"! Then I thought, Dang, why don't I have any tissue in my purse! (sniff sniff)

Now I gotta be honest, a part of me wondered what he'd been up to outside the four walls of the church, like I'm sure others in the pews were doing. But then I thought, it didn't matter. See, he ain't no different from a whole lotta us Christians with "double lives". He could've been selling drugs Mon. - Sat. but is that any different from telling lies & gossiping Mon.- Sat., in God's eyes, sin is sin and unconfessed sin is unconfessed sin! Bascially what this young man did was admitted he was a hypocrite, meaning he knew the RIGHT thing to do, refused to do it, but made everyone believe he was! In slang terms, he was FAKING THE FUNK!

The difference in him and us is, we ain't about to stand before the church and admit we are hypocrites & funk fakers! I admire his guts and obviously he is like David, he has a true heart for God. And you ask, "Sherry how can you say that? He just admitted he was sinning against God!" Exactly!!! Do any of us trust the Lord that much to stand before the judgmental eyes of man, doing like me, speculating on what type of sinful life this guy was living, and say I am a sinner, pray for me? Trusting that this gutsy move won't backfire! Trusting that the rumor mill won't kick into full gear or that folks will say, sure I will pray for you and bless you to your face and then run your name through the mud at the first chance. A person like this young man, definitely was trusting and believing God to deliver him when he made his confession today! So again I say, yes, he has a heart for His Creator because he was fearful and obediant.

You know I love the book of James. It speaks on many things in only 5 short chapters. Read it when you get a chance. In chapter 1, James 1:8 says, 8A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Can't get much clearer than that. That young man said he was living a double life, so I would imagine he was tired of being unstable. So now you're wondering, why am I telling yall this. Am I saying we all need to stand up in church and rattle off our many transgressions? Now this young man said, the Lord told him to do this. So unless the Lord tells you to do the same, you might wanna let the service continue as printed in the bulletin. :)

What I am saying is, Christian believers have all been fakers of the funk in their walk at some point. How do I know? Because the Word says, we ALL have sinned and fall short. Now I'm sure had this young man decided on his own, I need to make better decisions and live according to the Word of God, sooner rather than later, his public confession may not have been necessary, who knows? Bottomline, let's get it right before it's too late and rather than standing & confessing before man, we are standing before God saying, "It wasn't the teaching that was bad, I just didn't do the right thing!" Matthew 10:28, Jesus says, 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  My friends, that's as real as it gets!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Another Level of a Complicated but Full Life!!!

Happy May Blog Readers! Spring is now among us and so is the pollen! Anybody out there suffer with allergies besides me? LOL! Anyway, since I last blogged lots of things have been on my mind but of course time does not afford me the chance to write about it all. But I decided it was time to communicate with my favorite blog readers. Don't know if you remember in my last blog I said, I had something to write about but the "They are who you thought they were" blog was something I was led to write about at that moment. Anyway, can you believe that after all this time, I still have that previous blog in my head and since it's there, I decided to share. (did I just rhyme? LOL)...
Some time ago, back in January 09 in fact, I did some non-scientific research to get some clarification on some commonly used phrases. Phrases that I often heard people say and in particular use as a "status" on social networking sites (ex. Facebook) I bet some are saying what is the big deal with the social networking sites...well, as a FB junkie, that is a another blog for another time. :)

Anyhoo, here is the email that I sent out to a few folks:
Hey! Yall know me, my little wheels are always turning. But I wanted to get some clarity on something that I might blog about but I wanted to do some research. I am asking you b/c I consider you a deep thinker. There are 3 commonly used phrases that whenever I hear them, I am left thinking, "Why do people say that?" and "What does that even mean?"
Phrase #1 - "taking it to another (new) level" or "going to another (new) level". This is a popular phrase especially in churches. And when preachers say it, the folks get excited. But I am always like, another level of what? Do people really know why they get excited about going to another or new level? This could mean alot of things...
Phrase #2 - "it's complicated". Alot of these social networking sites, have a place to put a relationship status and some people put "it's complicated". Single, I understand, Married, I understand, Divorced, I understand, and In a Relationship, I understand. It's complicated, means nothing. Cause if it's that complicated, you either need to work it out so you can stay married or in your relationship or you need to become single.
Phrase #3 - "living life to the fullest". Now I think I can appreciate what people are trying to say but when I begin to think about it, I am still left with nothing. Because it kinda indicates folks not sure what direction they are headed in life so they make this vague statement to indicate they're happy??? IDK...

So what do these statements mean to you? When you hear them or when you use them? Thanks for dialoging with me. :)

Now believe it or not, my deep thinkers did respond. So I guess you could say that this blog was written by the Blog Readers! So let's see what is on their MIND with regard to my questions:

Phrase #1 - "another or new level":
1. New level of spirituality, walk with God, faith, blessings, ...IT DEPENDS on what was being said prior but in all certainty its raising some aspect of spirituality.
2. I believe from my Bible studies "taking it to another level" means becoming that much closer to God.You must know God and be in relationship with God. A lot of people are religious but are not one with Christ. Therefore in your walk, you are forever moving higher towards being closer with God.
3. More dedication
4. Yes this one could mean lot of things but I take it as a another level of thinking. Mostly meaning a level of change or growth; almost like been there done that, what next.
5. It means, I'm about to get deep on you and take you beyond the surface of this topic.
6. Implies that you're not always giving it your all, but you are now prepared to for that particular moment.
7. I suppose when people take something to another level, what they really mean is going way too far. At least that's how I see it. I've never really thought about this phrase, nor do I use it very much. It seems rather trite to me.
8. It is vague but i guess i realize not everyone is mature enough or want to truly know about you. Some just want to ask you a question to talk about themselves.
9. I always think of climbing a flight of stairs when I hear this phrase...therefore, if you're taking it to another level, you're moving closer to your goal. I've also heard people use it in relationships meaning you're going from friends to something more romantic, non-committed to committed relationship, etc.
10. Pushing yourself to try and do more than you ever thought you could do.
11. This could mean one of two things, the first is that they are going to get off their butt and do something that they were supposed to do and they feel good about it or they are about to step out of their comfort zone and they need some encouragement to continue.

Phrase #2 - "it's complicated":
1. Complicated is complicated..neither single nor married: he's in jail; long dist. relationship and I have no idea where its heading, we are on and off etc. Remember the field you referred to says "status" and not what are you doing here/in ur relationship etc. I certainly can understand if someone says "complicated"..all it means is "its a long story and/or you don't want to hear it" or on a social networking site it means the space in that field is not large enough for my answer.
2. This one is easy.All that "it's complicated' means is that they are dazed and confused and don't have a clue. Either one,the other or both have issues which leaves them so perplexed as to what they should do.
3. I agree with you about its complicated. As a woman, it pisses me off, because I would hate to be apart of that relationship.
4. Anything that is worth doing will be complicated. When one is single, life is complicated. When one is married life is also complicated and divorced is almost like a death in the relationship which is very complicated to understand and to try to move forward. I think people a lot of time want the easy way out and don't want to put the work in to later enjoy the fruits of their labor.
5. I'm not willing to be honest about my current status or I'm in transition and open to advances. 6. Basically means someone doesn't want to put there business out there. It's better said as "I'm not spilling the beans".
7. "I don't want to talk about it, so leave me alone!" The person who uses this phrase doesn't have the balls to come out and say it--nothing's that damn complicated!
8. It's complicated is very funny to me, considering it should really say I don't what my worth is...because hanging onto a man that is possibly married, dating someone else, or simply just not that into you. It is worth you saying, I am single or don't place any status.
9. I totally agree with you!
10. If I tell you, I'll make you wish you never asked.
11. This phrase is used when people want to continue in their devilment that they know is wrong but they can't say because someone may tell them they are wrong and conviction may set in.

Phrase #3 - "living life to the fullest":
1. On the contrary it means they are aware of their life's mission, they have focus and drive and are aiming to maximize their potential a la the wise servant in the parable of talents.
2. Some folks have no direction! Some people are satisfied with whatever life they are living. Some on the other hand strive to accomplish something they have no idea of what it is they are supposed to be accomplishing.
3. Living to the fullest is without regret. Trying new things and making the most of all of your time an opportunities
4. Okay this one is a positive thing to say. Not necessarily meaning that but it helps to stay positive which helps to stay focus. Then again I can see saying this when my children are grown and healthy as well as myself doing what makes me happy which in turns allow me to live as I choose to live.
5. They are doing the best they can in their given circumstances. But as far as I'm concerned, you're right. They are vague statements that have become socially acceptable answers.
6. It's pretty vague, but I would think that a person is making a conscious effort to enjoy life. Some people are dry, boring and may not be a happy person in general......a person using this phrase wants you to know that life is well without going into specifics.
7. They really mean that they are truly appreciating every day. They don't worry about insignificant things, they don't make negative comments. They know that they are better off than so many other people and they APPRECIATE this knowledge. They know that life is precious and could be gone instantly. I think the only people who appreciate "living to the fullest" are those that have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. But, we ALL need to realize that we are ALL terminal, right?
8. For me it's me saying, I am not going to let others folks dim my inner light.
9. This phrase always seemed like rhetoric to me...a lot of people use it, but in reality are sitting around doing nothing. One person's definition of life to the fullest is definitely not another's!
10. Doing more with less and enjoying every minute of it!
11. This one is the Christian way to live, living as if it is your last day on earth, you should be walking in the purpose God has given you, fulfilling the plan set before you, encouraging folks along the way and able to rest at night because you have helped someone come closer to the kingdom.

You gotta admit Blog Readers, I know some pretty sharp people! Can you believe the insight that lies amongst us? Brilliant! Now I just want to add my own little insight. As far as phrase #1 and #2, even after getting clarification and after consideration, they still don't carry alot of substance in my book. I think if someone is going to say they are going to another level then some explanation should follow or I think you are just talking to be talking. For phrase #2, I think people use this phrase to indicate "I'm in a relationship but I'm not happy so if you want to step to me, I'm open". This is a tricky place to be in especially if you are married...ya know what I mean?

As for the last phrase, I can get with it after I put more thought into it. Usually when I ask people how they are doing or what's been up with them and they use this response, I think, "well I guess it's none of my business!" Not sure if I would ever use this phrase, but if by chance you ever hear me say, "I'm living life to the fullest", here is what I mean:

For me, living life to the fullest is more about growing into the woman God has ordained me to be and being obediant to His voice. Using these opportunities and gifts I have been afforded to glorify God and not solely for selfish gain. Living my life to the fullest means living without regrets from the sense, I did what God wanted me to (or put in a good effort). I lived in a way that my walk didn't cause anyone else to stumble...or I didn't live a contrary or hypocritcal life. Not regretting that when I could have been a help to someone I wasn't or failed to apologize to someone I hurt, or that I refused to let go of anything that was a hinderance (i.e past mistakes). It also means learning to stress less and let God be God. Worry less about what others think of me and concentrate on making God and myself proud so I can look in the mirror and like the person in the reflection.

Am I there yet? By no means but I work each day to improve and work on Sherry. I guess that is why I am always thinking, writing, and asking people off the wall questions! I guess I realize I can't do any of what I described alone. So living life to the fullest means I appreciate the people around me and never taking them for granted by thinking I know it all and don't need anyone's advice or help.

*This blog is dedicated to those who took the time to indulge me and respond to my questions*

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

They are who we thought they were...

Blog readers! Hope all is well with ya! I haven't blogged since before the entrance of 2009, so I know it's late but let me say, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's February so there is still time to make it happy...right? Anyway, my initial blog was on a whole other topic, one for which I even did a bit of research; however, yall know me, anything can happen that will send me off into another direction, as such I have to go with the flow of where my mind leads me.

So an avid NFL football fan probably remembers these famous words by Former Arizona Cardinals Head Coach Dennis Green. After his team blew a game after being up by 20 points to the Chicago Bears, he had an adult temper tantrum at the post game press conference. His famous line was, "They are who we thought they were and we let 'em off the hook..." He was referring to the Chicago Bears who later went on to the Super Bowl. Anyway, this blog is not about football, but it made me think about something else...being delusional! Now if what Green says is true, he and his team were anything but delusional...am I right?

So what about the rest of us? Last night I was watching Dateline and the interview with the single mom of now 14 young children, 8 of which are newborns. And the more she talked the more I thought, "how delusional is this woman?" For instance, she says she will support her 14 kids with student loans! What kind of student loans is she getting? As a past and present recipient of financial aid, I need to know what type of aid she is getting since it's like that! :) Then she says, once she finishes school, she will get job and take care of her kids...So I don't have kids but I know people that do...so what is the going rate on day care these days for ONE child much less 14! Anyway, I found her thought process strange and well, delusional.

BUT this morning, I had an AH HA moment. It came to me, who am I to judge this woman's delusional-ness when I have been in a delusional state on more than one occasion. But I am not alone...haven't we all been there? What's that? Not you...hmmmm...Now our delusions may not be as severe and public as mom of 14 but it's there. So why am I talking about this? Because I think we need to understand that people and/or situations "are who and/or what we think they are..."

One thing about it, people always show us who they are. They may fake it for a minute but eventually, their true selves will emerge. Problem is, we do what Green says, "we let 'em off the hook". How many times has a person shown their true colors and we ignore it b/c surely this is not who they are. Bascially we want things to be what we want them to be and try to pass that crap on to others. Of course when it doesn't turn out like that, we get mad at that person or frustrated with that situation. But all along, "they are who we thought they were and WE let 'em off the hook!" So then who's to blame? Yep, we are!

Now we don't really see our own delusional-ness. Like mom of 14 probably thought she made complete sense but me and Ann Curry were no doubt thinking the same thing..."something is wrong with her!" Know this while we try to mask our delusional-ness and make folks think something is more than what is it...the folks around us know the truth and are looking at us the same way. So what can we do? Well, I don't know about you but I pray and ask God to open my eyes, my spiritual eyes that is, to see things as they are and not like I want them to be. He'll do it! Actually, God is really just showing us what we knew all along. It's not magic, b/c they are who we thought they were...

Anyway, this whole thing has allowed me to look at my own life and not so much at the mom of 14. Yea I still think she is delusional but hey, so have I about different people and things...As the Word says, in Luke 6:42 How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

I hope this helps someone...a small wake up call. Think about the people or the situations you are dealing with and trying to convince yourself and others that it is more or better than what it is...now, remember the words of Dennis Green, "they are who we thought they were and we let 'em off the hook!"