Monday, June 30, 2008

Battle of the Sexes

I know what you are thinking..."another blog so soon?" Sure, why not? My thoughts always come in spurts and this time I have spurted again. Before I begin, let me just say, Happy early July 4th! Don't pig out too much this weekend. But I hope you do enjoy yourself. At least try to use this weekend not to think about gas prices...that's enough to depress anyone.

So anyway, here's what was on my mind. I was actually going to write a continuation to my "friendship" blog as I still have some more to say on the matter BUT something else came along and I decided to blog about this instead. Of course I might spurt again and still write my Friend blog part II, we'll see. So a couple of weeks ago, I received this email which contained a sermon called "Sex and the City" The pastor was using references to the movie about the four friends looking for love as they live in NYC. Now I never watched the tv show so I didn't have any interest in seeing the movie but I kinda have the gist of what it is about just from the previews, etc...So this pastor's sermon begins using these women as examples and then he goes on to discuss relationships, sex, and single Christians. Anyway, I decided to pose my concerns of this message to a Christian male whose opinion I trust. Then I thought I need to blog about this so here are my thoughts as I posed them to him. Of course, it's not verbatim, I had to tailor it for my blog readers...

As I listened to the message I was like "he is preachin'!!!"... but then I began to ponder the message later that evening. Then as I considered it some more and my cynical side began to surface. Why cynicism? Because I thought, (1) we've, Christians, heard all this before and (2) many will agree with these messages, praise the Lord but still follow their flesh and (3) most of these messages come from married preachers who rarely expose how they handled these situations before they got married. For all we know, they have been married all their lives and never dealt with this kind of thing. I will give Juanita Bynum credit though, she is one of the few who pulled out her skeletons with her "No More Sheets" message which was before she got married. I think that is why women were drawn to her. Then she got married and acted just like the rest...

Anyway, I thought he seemed to be doing a lot of talking to the women. A lot of his examples, inferences, and what not seemed to speak to the mistakes and bad choices women make. Of course, one could argue, his message was equally relevant to men. Sure. But I am thinking why not just put it out there about the men too, if he is going to take the direct approach. I have said time and time again, Christian men are not subjected to the criticisms and scrutiny of the Christian women. But who are these men leading the women astray? I can tell you, not all of them are non-Christian men. There are Christian men who want a Christian woman cause they want to be "equally yoked" but aren't really ready to submit to God's will. So what do they do, they either (1) convince the woman since she is his "soul mate" it is okay to sleep together, (2) respect the woman's wishes but gets his kicks on the side from someone more willing, (3) knows good Christian women but because she doesn't look a certain or act a certain way (usually by worldly standards), decides to get a non-Christian women who fits what he wants and hopes she will change or here's the biggy, (4) uses scripture to try and justify being disobedient and then relying on the fact, God is a forgiving God. All this makes me wonder, does a Christian man really want a Christian woman? While Christian women fall all over themselves, doing non-Christian things to snag a Christian man, Christian men do not seem to be pressed about it.

I am not taking the responsibility off the women because life is about choices. But can't you see how some women will say, "well, I want a man, he's a good man and a Christian and if all I have to do is this and that, I won't lose him." Soooo, she does and he moves on 'cause well, she has lost her credibility in his eyes. Now when what is done in the dark comes out in the light, the woman is looked at as a weak Christian, she needs prayer, please help her Lord and no one says, well what about the man? Remember, now I am not talking about the non-Christian men 'cause frankly we know how they roll. I am talking about the Christian ones.

God held Adam responsible for Eve's actions. So why is it always the women who need pray for deliverance and pray for strength and to get their acts together? Of course we do need to do this but I am speaking particularly about these kinds of single Christians messages like the pastor preached. They always seem to be directed at women.
And it is funny how, when I think back to all of the sermons I have heard of this nature, they all are women-centric but for some reason, it finally hit me, "this is so one sided, what about what the men are up to?" Maybe I didn't notice before because it is what I had come to expect. One could argue maybe it is because there are more women than men in church. Which makes me think well there's the problem. Women are in church, the men are hit and miss so they are not being convicted as often. But on the other hand, if the women are the ones in church, what are they learning or what is being taught, if they can get so easily sidetracked from God's will? Hmmmmmm...

Either way, male or female, the truth is the truth and so put it out there for both sides. Sin has no gender last time I checked. It ain't just the women messing up. Now while I learned that this pastor does have a large female congregation, I can imagine that the women definitely left that service feeling alot crappier than the men did.

Honestly, I think the men still get off easy. Here is an example of what I mean just to illustrate my point though...I believe a Christian woman does want a real Christian man but a Christian man can take her (if she is willing to compromise) or leave her (he'll get a worldly woman and not worry about it). Either way, he's good in society's eyes. How so? Well, in the first instance, no one will know about the compromise, cause the Christian woman won't tell b/c it will make her faith look shaky and the Christian man won't tell cause he'll look like a playa or rogue. So what will people think? "Aw, What a fine Christian man. He found a fine Christian woman!" In the second instance, he will look like a hero, rescuing the worldly woman from a life of sin, helping her turn her life around. And of course if things don't work out, it won't be because he should have never been with her in the first place, it will be because she wasn't a Christian to begin with.

Are you following my logic? Probably not, but that's cool. I am sure one can argue against my points but remember this is of course just my humble opinion. At least I gave those of you who care about stuff like this something to think about. Anyway, yall can stick a fork in me 'cause I'm done!

*This blog is dedicated to "Sunshine". Thanks for indulging me and not getting offended as I went on my tirade about Christian men. Your feedback and understanding was greatly appreciated! And dedicated to "B-side" for her commitment to living for the Lord and being an inspiration!

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Real BFF

I don't know where you are blog readers but I hope you have some AC. Boy it is hot here in Charlottesville, VA. And while I was complaining about the cold office I sit in, I am not saying a mumbling word about it today. Anyway, it has been a while but time got away from me as I was making my transition to Charlottesville, VA for the summer. Nevertheless, I always have something on my mind but it usually takes the right moment in time for me to put my thoughts into a blog. So here I am and I guess what you wanna know is, what's on my mind this time?

Well, some recent, some not-so-recent, and some fairly old events have caused me to re-evaluate the meaning of the term "friend". I know yall are like "uh-oh, who knocked over Sherry's Kool-aid?" Ah well I wish it were so simple. But actually it is a lot deeper for me than you may imagine. It's funny because nowadays, the term friend is used quite loosely. Especially on the internet. You have "myspace friends", "facebook friends", "Aggienation friends". Some people have over 1000 myspace friends. Now I ask you is it even possible to call over a thousand people your friend? Acquaintance, yes! Associate, yes, colleague, yes! But friend? I don't think so. Well I don't have that many myspace friends and truth be told, they are not all really my "friends". Now this is not a bad thing, doesn't mean I don't care about these folks. It just means by my definition of what a friend is, they are not all friends. You now even have the term BFF which for you less cool, savvy folks who don't keep up with the lingo of the young folks, means "Best Friends Forever". Imma come back to this term in a moment...

So what do I think is a friend? Well as recent as today, I got this list of what a friend is from a friend/she-ro of mine and I tend to agree with what she says. So rather than re-invent the list, I will just give it to yall. She says a friend is:

  • someone who listens
  • someone who is honest
  • someone who doesn't judge
  • someone who actually cares about me and how I am doing just as much as I care about them and how they are doing
  • someone who checks in on me periodically
  • someone that has your back in good/bad/sad times
  • someone who can keep things in confidence
  • someone who can be honest with you and vice versa
  • someone you can talk to about anything or about nothing at all
  • someone who doesn't get mad if you don't call them right back and understands that you WILL call them and they understand that we all have busy lives
  • someone you can laugh with, cry with
  • someone who doesn't put on any airs or wear any masks

Now you see why I used this list? Pretty impressive right? As I read this list, I thought, ok Sherry, do you have any people like this in your life? And to my surprise, my list is real short. Some of yall are surprised by that. Being a world-renowned blogger (smile) doesn't make you a friend magnet, I will tell you. Now some of yall no doubt are reading this and thinking "am I on Sherry's friend list?" Well read the list, if this applies to you then yes, absolutely, you are my friend. If not, then I love ya anyhow!!! Now some of yall don't really care if you are my friend and that's cool too. Cause I love you as well with the love of my BFF! And feel free to put me to the test. Cause I actually would not expect people to be for me what I am not for them. And if I don't pass then I love ya anyhow. But know, I am trying.

Now is it reasonable for me to think one person could be all those things in the list? I don't know. It's not like it is rocket science. Basically boils down to being a loving and caring individual. I try and I may fall short but I am always evaluating what I can do to be a better person and better friend. Why? Cause it is important to me to be real with people, with myself and most of all, real with God. And that is all I can expect from anyone and that is to be real. But sometimes, I have expected a bit more than what I have received just because I just expect people to be real. Yea, I am an idealist but yall knew that already. Anyway, these high expectations usually put me in a place of learning hard lessons on who is real and who isn't. Who I can trust and who I can't. Who I can count on and who I can't. Who is my friend and who is not.

But today ladies and gentleman, I am writing this blog to say, my head is no longer in the clouds. I am experiencing some freedom of my mind. I often wondered if I could do this without compromising who I am. And this same person who gave me the list, told me no, I don't have to compromise. Basically, I am not comfortable compromising who I am by God's grace to line up with everyone else. You know how we do, "if they don't care about me, then I don't care about them. If they don't call me, I am not calling them, if they can't be honest with me then I am not gonna be honest with them...blah blah blah." I really want to be someone like this cause frankly it would be easier. But that is not who I am. So what's next?

What's next is I look to the example of the real BFF? (you know best friend forever). Guess who? Yea Jesus! Yep now he is a friend. I mean, he knew Judas was gonna sell him out but did he kick Judas out the crew. Nope. He loved him anyhow. He told Peter, you might say all that stuff now about dying for me but you are gonna turn your back on me, not once but 3 times...When the Roman soldiers came, all Jesus's boys ran. The same men who had been with Jesus and pledged loyalty to...left. But Jesus continued to love them as raggedy as they were. He kept his promise to send a comforter even after He was gone. But most importantly, He never compromised who He was or what He was called to do no matter how unbelieving they were. Now He did call them out on it. They never got away with it but He never stopped loving them and it didn't stop Him from making the ultimate sacrifice for them. WOW! Now that is a true friend! Good news for me, cause I believe, is that He is my friend too. The real BFF!

Now I certainly don't expect any of yall to be a friend to me like Jesus. Cause there is only one Jesus. And if you expect me to be like that then yall gonna be real disappointed. Best I can do is pray that God will help me be who I need to be in Him so I can be a better friend to whoever I am called to be a friend too.

Well my mind is free and I am outta here. Talk to yall soon, BBRF (that means Best Blog Readers Forever)

*This blog is dedicated to my friends, you know who you are*