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Showing posts from August, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I am always in awe of the strength and damage caused by hurricanes. And it seems Katrina has left her mark on the southeastern USA. My heart certainly goes out to the people in LA, MS, and AL. I can only imagne based on the images on the news as to the devestation caused. Of course being who I am, I always find things to ponder or contemplate on in every situation and Hurricane Katrina is no different. Therefore, there are a few things that come to my mind as I watch her fury from the comfort of my warm dry home... 1. Who decides who gets to be the news journalist who has to report on the hurricane while standing in the hurricane? Do they draw straws? Do they pick on the rookies? Have you guys ever watch these folks? They are being blown all over the place but three things remain constant - (1) They will have one hand on the mic and the other trying to keep the hood of their rain jackets from blowing off. These folks are yelling in the mic "The winds are very strong..." NO KI...

In God We Trust...

Earlier today I received an email which addressed the issue about "TRUST". What exactly is trust anyway? And can you ever say in all honesty, you trust someone 100%? I know for a fact that I have trust issues. I am working on it though but I can admit it. But I bet if some of you were asked, you would probably say "Oh yeah there are people, I trust completely" (i.e spouses, best friends, etc...) But I tend to think that there is a limit to how much we actually trust other people. What does this mean for our relationship with them if we admit we don't fully trust them? Reason I say this, well, nobody is perfect so how could we say for certain, that this person won't do something to break our trust. The other reason I am a skeptic is because if you can say there are people you absolutely trust, then you most definitely gotta trust God, right? He is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). Okay this post may not be for everybody but for those of you wh...

Who wants to be Bobby Brown?

Yep, I know in an earlier post I said I would not watch the show Being Bobby Brown but I got coerced into watching not 1, not 2 but 4 episodes. So who has seen this show? Oh my goodness! This show is ridiculous and sad all at the same time. Okay let's start with Bobby. What happen to the "Mr. Telephone Man" Bobby? He is always drinking, cussing, and looking confused as Whitney talks trash to him. I can say he does spend time with his kids. He has four but for some seem to think he has more than that. Although I don't think he can do anything with Bobby Kristina. Now I don't like to talk about children but could they please get that child a hairstylist. I mean her parents have money, or so they say...and I know there are some good hairstylist in Atlanta. But in the episodes I watched, she looked real thrown away. I think she must be raising herself. But she ain't going hungry cause little sistah girl doesn't look like she has missed a meal. But it's no...

The NBTF, TJMS and Winston-Salem

It has been a minute since I have posted to this blog. But I got caught up in the festivities of the National Black Theater Festival, , held every 2 years here in W-S. Black Celebs from stage, screen, and tv come together to participate and enjoy black theater. Now these plays are not the like those plays we are used to like "My man is a dog but I am still blessed and highly favored..." Yall know the type. These are very well written entertaining plays. I had the chance to see The Jackie Wilson Story again. It was very good. Chester Gregory II, who played Jackie has a awesome voice. After hearing him sing LIVE, it makes you wonder how these other raggedy artist (i.e. Usher, sorry I am not a fan) ever get recording contracts, while the real singers never get to reach the fame and fortune of these average singers (i.e. Beyonce - sorry I am not a fan). OT - I wish Whitney Houston would get herself together and save our ears. I refuse to watch "Being Bobby Brown...

Is it true Wal-Mart?

Most of you who know me, know that I love Wal-Mart! And when I retire I am going to be a Wal-Mart greeter. Hey, you gotta have dreams! But is Wal-Mart exploiting children? I hope it isn't so just like I hope Michael Jackson is really innocent. But I have to ask myself, if there comes hard core proof, will I stop shopping there? A life without Wal-Mart...I can't say I remember what that was like. How do they manage to outsell everyone else? Or is this a ploy to cripple Wal-Mart because they are dominating over the competition. Is this a ploy by TAR-GEY' I mean Target? Wal-Mart is no different from anything else that exploits anybody. So why are they being targeted? There are alot of battles out there that need to be fought. One thing I can say for those who are opposing Wal-Mart, they are standing up and defending what they feel is right. Most of us talk a good game but when it comes down to it. We'll say "Wal-Mart is terrible for doing this" as we stand in the...