Most of you who know me, know that I love Wal-Mart! And when I retire I am going to be a Wal-Mart greeter. Hey, you gotta have dreams!
But is Wal-Mart exploiting children? I hope it isn't so just like I hope Michael Jackson is really innocent. But I have to ask myself, if there comes hard core proof, will I stop shopping there? A life without Wal-Mart...I can't say I remember what that was like. How do they manage to outsell everyone else? Or is this a ploy to cripple Wal-Mart because they are dominating over the competition. Is this a ploy by TAR-GEY' I mean Target?
Wal-Mart is no different from anything else that exploits anybody. So why are they being targeted? There are alot of battles out there that need to be fought. One thing I can say for those who are opposing Wal-Mart, they are standing up and defending what they feel is right. Most of us talk a good game but when it comes down to it. We'll say "Wal-Mart is terrible for doing this" as we stand in the 20 items of less checkout line. I do have to punish Wal-Mart for bad business so maybe instead of going there 3 - 4 times a week, I will cut it down to 1 or 2. That'll show'em.
In all seriousness, what we have to decide is who is being hurt by the choices we make. If in fact, children are being used as cheap labor, then Wal-Mart needs to correct this ASAP and we should support those who have the guts to take a stand. We need to decide if saving a buck or two is worth it.
In the meantme, can somebody point me to the establishment which is doing everything right all the time, I need to shop there? I didn't think so.