Yep, I know in an earlier post I said I would not watch the show Being Bobby Brown but I got coerced into watching not 1, not 2 but 4 episodes. So who has seen this show? Oh my goodness! This show is ridiculous and sad all at the same time. Okay let's start with Bobby. What happen to the "Mr. Telephone Man" Bobby? He is always drinking, cussing, and looking confused as Whitney talks trash to him. I can say he does spend time with his kids. He has four but for some seem to think he has more than that.
Although I don't think he can do anything with Bobby Kristina. Now I don't like to talk about children but could they please get that child a hairstylist. I mean her parents have money, or so they say...and I know there are some good hairstylist in Atlanta. But in the episodes I watched, she looked real thrown away. I think she must be raising herself. But she ain't going hungry cause little sistah girl doesn't look like she has missed a meal. But it's not the hair or the chubbiness that turns me off from this child. It is her smart mouth. When she said to her mother, "leave me alone before I hit you". I was like "oh no she didn't say that to her momma!" But considering the momma...
Now let's talk about Miz Whitney. She is a few people short of a full house if you know what I mean. I know yall think Bobby cause her ghetto-fabulousness but I don't think so. All she does is smoke and cuss. And what's up with the wigs? Now I can go up the road to Beauty World and get a serious no nonsense wig and look like a movie star. Her wigs look so raggedy and unwashed. Ugh...But I guess the same person who does Bobby Kristina's hair is doing Whitney's. And in all of the four episodes I watched, she was only looking decent once. The rest of the time, she just looked a hot mess. Poor Whitney! I hope since she he has been back to rehab, she has gotten herself together. I bet when she does get straight and she looks back on these shows, she will be like, Who in the world let me look and act like that?
All I can say is after seeing Being Bobby Brown, I can't say I would know why anyone would want to be Bobby Brown.
Although I don't think he can do anything with Bobby Kristina. Now I don't like to talk about children but could they please get that child a hairstylist. I mean her parents have money, or so they say...and I know there are some good hairstylist in Atlanta. But in the episodes I watched, she looked real thrown away. I think she must be raising herself. But she ain't going hungry cause little sistah girl doesn't look like she has missed a meal. But it's not the hair or the chubbiness that turns me off from this child. It is her smart mouth. When she said to her mother, "leave me alone before I hit you". I was like "oh no she didn't say that to her momma!" But considering the momma...
Now let's talk about Miz Whitney. She is a few people short of a full house if you know what I mean. I know yall think Bobby cause her ghetto-fabulousness but I don't think so. All she does is smoke and cuss. And what's up with the wigs? Now I can go up the road to Beauty World and get a serious no nonsense wig and look like a movie star. Her wigs look so raggedy and unwashed. Ugh...But I guess the same person who does Bobby Kristina's hair is doing Whitney's. And in all of the four episodes I watched, she was only looking decent once. The rest of the time, she just looked a hot mess. Poor Whitney! I hope since she he has been back to rehab, she has gotten herself together. I bet when she does get straight and she looks back on these shows, she will be like, Who in the world let me look and act like that?
All I can say is after seeing Being Bobby Brown, I can't say I would know why anyone would want to be Bobby Brown.