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The NBTF, TJMS and Winston-Salem

It has been a minute since I have posted to this blog. But I got caught up in the festivities of the National Black Theater Festival,, held every 2 years here in W-S. Black Celebs from stage, screen, and tv come together to participate and enjoy black theater.

Now these plays are not the like those plays we are used to like "My man is a dog but I am still blessed and highly favored..." Yall know the type. These are very well written entertaining plays. I had the chance to see The Jackie Wilson Story again. It was very good. Chester Gregory II, who played Jackie has a awesome voice. After hearing him sing LIVE, it makes you wonder how these other raggedy artist (i.e. Usher, sorry I am not a fan) ever get recording contracts, while the real singers never get to reach the fame and fortune of these average singers (i.e. Beyonce - sorry I am not a fan). OT - I wish Whitney Houston would get herself together and save our ears. I refuse to watch "Being Bobby Brown." But I digress...

Anyway, I also saw a one man show called Emergence-SEE. It is hard to describe but it was about a slave ship appearing at the Statue of Liberty and the effect slavery, etc has had on black america. It was real deep and the brother had a lot of valid points. I just wish more young people could have been there to hear what he had to say. OT - there were so many white t-shirts, baggy pants, and gold teeth downtown W-S this weekend. For the life of me, I can't understand the fascination with gold teeth.

On Friday, if you listened to the Tom Joyner Morning Show, then you know he was airing the Sky Show from Winston-Salem. And the Winston-Salem-ites did turn out in glorious ghetto-fabulous fashion. Yep, I was there too. Tom, Jay, Sybil, Ms. Dupree and Myra J. were all there and we got to hear the bands Con-Funk-Shun, Midnight Star, and the SOS band. They all were real good. However, Midnight Star kept giving a shout out to "Greensboro". How can you not know what city you are in? But it was 6:00 am!!! Anyway, the show was very entertaining.

I was also able to see a few celebs (James Avery - Uncle Phil, Jeffery the butler both from Fresh Prince). And guess who? Ralph Carter, yes - Michael Evans, was in the house. I should have asked him to read my blog. Maybe he could have added some perspective to my Good Times topic. Anyway, I did not get to see my "boyfriend" Lamman Rucker, formerly on As the World Turns, currently on All My Children which is my fav. soap so I always got a tape ready to record.

Oh yeah, they had the International Vendors Market too. Now you know whenever you have a black event, you are gonna have vendors. No fish sandwich or cheap T-shirt stands though. These vendors had some expensive stuff!!! So I bought absolutely nothing!

Well, I guess I gotta wait until 2007 for the next festival. Maybe next time you can join me and we can become blinded by the GOLD TEETH together!

Oh yeah - one more thing - A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUCEMENT:
Friends please don't let friends wear outfits that are too small or too tight! Just because it was made in your size doesn't mean you should buy it and wear it!


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