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Showing posts from 2008

2009 New Year's Resolution

Blog readers! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and as the new year approaches let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year! I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I were going to write another blog and my answer was sure, if I am so inspired. Well, with the new year approaching, I thought what better way to express myself than put my resolution in a blog. So what is my resolution? It is simple but it is important, I am no longer going to worry about the "haters"! Now I am sure you are asking, "surely Sherry, you don't have haters?" Honestly I don't know if I do or not, but I am serving notice on any past, present, or future ones. As I feel like I need to purge and get some stuff off my chest in order to start the year off fresh! I am not taking anything negative into my new year! No negative vibes and no negative energy! Who's with me? Anyhoo, on facebook, my cousin often uses this expression, "all the haters can go kick rocks!" And I though...

Time for HIS STORY...

Blog readers!!! I know you are surprised to see a new blog from me as I said I was going on a hiatus. But recently the Spirit of God has been speaking to me and I have to be obediant...Thus here I am bloggin' a blog. Let me preface this blog (cause sometimes you have to preface stuff to let people know up front where you are coming from or they will get all offended...not yall but I know you know someone like that...) by saying I am not writing this to purposely offend anyone, I am not writing this to promote any political agenda and if it is taken anyway other than the spirit in which I am writing (love), I apologize up front. Let's face it folks, this election process has been one of the most exciting, strange, and annoying all at once that I have ever experienced. Yes, I'm gonna say it, most black folks are really happy about Obama's chance at becoming President. No problem with that. Just like there is no problem with some women being excited about Palin having a ch...

My Voice - My Choice

"O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!" In case you didn't know these are the words to America the Beautiful. Hmmmmm...America the Beautiful...Is it really? So have you been following the election race? I mean how can you not...unless of course you are the most disconnected person on the planet. So who's your man? Obama or McCain? You don't have to tell me. But you had to know I could not let these historic events go without giving my stance on things. And then I am gonna make a risky move and tell you who I want to be my leader. I think some will be surprised and then some won't b/c well yall know how I do...after all some of you have come to know exactly how my mind works...But first I wanna say a few things...may I? Thanks! MY VOICE So we have an election of epic proportions. We...

Battle of the Sexes

I know what you are thinking..."another blog so soon?" Sure, why not? My thoughts always come in spurts and this time I have spurted again. Before I begin, let me just say, Happy early July 4th! Don't pig out too much this weekend. But I hope you do enjoy yourself. At least try to use this weekend not to think about gas prices...that's enough to depress anyone. So anyway, here's what was on my mind. I was actually going to write a continuation to my "friendship" blog as I still have some more to say on the matter BUT something else came along and I decided to blog about this instead. Of course I might spurt again and still write my Friend blog part II, we'll see. So a couple of weeks ago, I received this email which contained a sermon called "Sex and the City" The pastor was using references to the movie about the four friends looking for love as they live in NYC. Now I never watched the tv show so I didn't have any interest in seeing ...

The Real BFF

I don't know where you are blog readers but I hope you have some AC. Boy it is hot here in Charlottesville, VA. And while I was complaining about the cold office I sit in, I am not saying a mumbling word about it today. Anyway, it has been a while but time got away from me as I was making my transition to Charlottesville, VA for the summer. Nevertheless, I always have something on my mind but it usually takes the right moment in time for me to put my thoughts into a blog. So here I am and I guess what you wanna know is, what's on my mind this time? Well, some recent, some not-so-recent, and some fairly old events have caused me to re-evaluate the meaning of the term "friend". I know yall are like "uh-oh, who knocked over Sherry's Kool-aid?" Ah well I wish it were so simple. But actually it is a lot deeper for me than you may imagine. It's funny because nowadays, the term friend is used quite loosely. Especially on the internet. You have "myspace...


Happy Resurrection Day Blog Readers! I know some of yall are confused, but tomorrow is NOT my birthday. I was born on Easter but we know Easter falls on a different Sunday every year. Nevertheless, I so enjoy this holiday which is the BIG KAHUNA of all holidays (at least for Christians). But as special as it is, the world has reduced it to colored eggs and bunny rabbits. The other day I was watching the Today Show which I love, and they were featuring everything Easter from easter egg hunts to easter meals to easter outfits. Ask me if they mentioned J-E-S-U-S...yeah but it was to talk about some debate of whether some shroud was the one He was buried in. I was like, Oooooh-Kay! Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and they want to discuss a shroud. I mean really, He only used it for 3 days anyhow. I don't care about that. But should I have expected more, Naw! I know the deal even some Christians miss the point. So what more can we expect from the world? Oh yeah, church will b...

Is America Ready?

Happy Black History Month! Or should I say "Happy Everybody's History Month" for how can the history made by blacks in America not have affected all Americans. So yes, it is all our history and the fact we have to segregate history by race, is a problem all by itself. Is America ready? No doubt Martin Luther King would be surprised by today's presidential race. I mean who isn't? A black man or perhaps even a woman with chances of actually becoming the next Commander and Chief of the United States of America. Now let me preface this blog by saying this, I am not writing this blog to endorse any candidate because (1) most endorsements are not given for free and last time I checked, Hillary nor Barack sent me any money and (2) I feel that there is a bigger issue here. And thus I ask the question is America ready? And as I type this blog, I am listening to the words of Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" is quite a speech. Take some time to listen, I...

Spiritual Pep Rallies

Happy New Year, Blog Readers! Yep, I know it is Jan. 21 but I haven't had the chance to wish you well for 2008. Indeed I pray that all goes well for you in this year. So what thoughts have been running through this mind of mine since we last communicated? Many things but I just don't have time to put it all in the blog. However, after reading a friend's blog, I realized I have been pondering on somethings and figured it was time to share. (DISCLAIMER ---WARNING - this is a long blog, get some juice, a snack, and use the potty.) My church has been going through it's annual 21 Days of Spiritual Renewal services or a revival as most would call it. For me, I thought of the term a "Spiritual Pep Rally". Yall remember pep rallies from high school. (I know some of yall got to go back alittle bit further in time...hee hee). But in case it was too long ago, remember pep rallies were usually that Friday during the school day before homecoming or a big football game. Th...