I wish I had enough time to write a blog everytime I had something on my mind. But there is just not enough hours in the day. Well since the last time we were together, so much has been going on. I tell you folks the truth, I got one good nerve left and it is being plucked at on a daily basis. Now I don't mean your everyday stuff, like being cut off in traffic, although that does tend to be a nerve plucker...I am talking about things on a much bigger scale here. Oh yeah and I am gonna tell you about it because maybe these things have been plucking at your nerves too. So rather than keep you in suspense...I will share these things with you. Nerve Plucker #6. Guess what yall? Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married! How could you not know this? I am so tired of hearing about them. Now it is not their fault but the tv puts this stuff in your face. Like the lady on ET said "The world wants to know what Katie's dress looked like." No the world doesn't. I bet there are...