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Showing posts from 2006

My Last Good Nerve!

I wish I had enough time to write a blog everytime I had something on my mind. But there is just not enough hours in the day. Well since the last time we were together, so much has been going on. I tell you folks the truth, I got one good nerve left and it is being plucked at on a daily basis. Now I don't mean your everyday stuff, like being cut off in traffic, although that does tend to be a nerve plucker...I am talking about things on a much bigger scale here. Oh yeah and I am gonna tell you about it because maybe these things have been plucking at your nerves too. So rather than keep you in suspense...I will share these things with you. Nerve Plucker #6. Guess what yall? Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married! How could you not know this? I am so tired of hearing about them. Now it is not their fault but the tv puts this stuff in your face. Like the lady on ET said "The world wants to know what Katie's dress looked like." No the world doesn't. I bet there are...

Welcome to Babylon

As I was driving home from school in the rain, I began to think. And the more I thought the harder it rained and the more it rained, the harder I thought. Until finally, I had to stop thinking and pray to God to get me home safely so I could write this blog, Seriously. My sole purpose for surviving was so I could write alittle something for my blog readers ;o). Anyway, earlier today I had the chance to view some online footage, which I shared with most of you, about the 9/11 events. Having watched these two documentaries, it got me thinking. Now this blog is not about whether I believe them or not. I will say that nothing surprises me and a few unanswered questions that I had about that day were brought up in those videos. Of course, IF these accounts are anywhere close to being accurate, all I can say is that those responsible are about as close to evil as you will get aside from meeting Satan himself. So if I am not going to give you my take on the 911 conspiracy theories, then what...

Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

A couple of weeks ago, I told some friends that I had a new reality show that I had begun to watch and they laughed at me. Not because, in general reality shows are garbage (except for maybe The Apprentice and American Idol), but because the reality show I was referring to, called "Meerkat Manor" was about a family of Meerkats. Oh I see, you think that is funny too. Well this is a cool little show so you should check it out. I have always loved animal shows. In fact watching shows about animals is far more interesting than shows about people AND believe it or not, animals tell us alot about how we as humans, the supposedly more superior creature, should live. Have you ever used the term, "dumb ol' animal"? In fact animals are not "dumb" at all, they just do what they do and that is survive. I have learned a few things from animals, even the little Meerkats and I would like to share just a few things: 1 - Sisterhood! - If women would work together, we c...

Soap Writing 101

In case you didn't know, I am and have been for a long time, a dedicated watcher of soap operas. Yes, this guilty pleasure began for me at the tender age of 4. And you ask, who lets a 4 year old watch soaps? Well, you have to address that question to the adults who were suppose to be looking after me. Anyway, so you don't get alarmed, after the soaps, I watched Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers like other kids. Thank God I was not subjected to that scary purple dinosaur Barney ;o). I am currently a one Soap watcher now, ALL MY CHILDREN, but I have watched just about all of them at some point in life from Young and the Restless, the Bold and Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, One Life to Live, Guiding Light...the list goes on. Oh yeah I watched the night soaps too...Dallas, Dynasty, etc... Now most soap watchers know that you can go months maybe years without watching a particular soap and pick up right back up where you left off. It's that easy. With that in mind, I have decided I co...

The Mark - Are you scared?

Today I was driving and thinking about stuff as always...I thought to myself, that I am so glad I have a relationship with the Lord because with the world as it is today, it is the only thing in my life that completely makes any sense. Everything else just leaves me scratching my head. I just wonder how people without Jesus actually function. They are probably all confused and jacked up in the head. Seriously, these folks are most likely the ones going around worrying about tomorrow being June 6, 2006. Haven't you heard? The date will be 6-6-06. Ewwwww! Before you run and duck for cover with your bible in hand, let's talk about this thing... Now the media, in all its dysfunctional wisdom, has hyped up this day as being a day representing 666 which is according to the book of Revelation the Mark of the Beast. And they are making this to be the most scariest evilest day EVER! At one point it was Jan. 1 2000, remember the hype about the world ending. I believe it can't get muc...

Do We Remember...

Happy Memorial Day? Is that an appropriate phrase? Is anything about the way we celebrate Memorial Day appropriate? Let's see according to Wikipedia: Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May (scheduled next for May 29th, 2006). It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who died in military service for their country. Now where in that definition does it say "have a cookout", "go to the beach", or "spend 2 million dollars at an amusement park". (I just happen to have had the opportunity to just attend an amusement park and it is about 3 million dollars.) But these are the activities we associate with Memorial Day. You never hear anybody say they are going to do any remembering. But this would be sort of a downer, huh? To actually stop and think about the military dead. Well, I am using my May blog to remember the military dead. Why? Because it's Memorial...

Happy Birthday to Me!

This picture was taken at my 5th birthday. You can't see it but my cake was a big pink Easterbunny! An easterbunny for the easterbaby! From the looks of things, I have always enjoyed birthdays and 30 years later is no different. And to kick off my 35th birthday blog party, I decided to try a new look for the blog. I hope you like it! Well Readers, April 11 is a CELEBRATION of the Lord's grace and mercy for 35 years of my life. In commemoration of my birthday, I would like for you to join me in a walk down memory lane of the last 35 years of my life with a few SHOUT OUTS! Over the years, I have had many people come in and out of my life. Now if you are reading this blog, it means you are not OUT but still IN my life. So don't get mad if you don't get a shout out cause obviously you are still important to me. No, this shout out is for those who I will no doubt never see again (and in some cases, that is a good thing.) We all know that people, no matter whether it is good ...

March Madness

Oh yeah, it's that time of the year...March Madness time. For all you who don't follow NCAA basketball, it is the time of year when the best college basketball team is crowned. My team, the NC State Wolfpack, unfortunately lost in round two but I'm not sad. Wanna know why? Because SO DID THE TARHEELS!!! I will pull for anybody but those overrated bunch of pastel-blue wearing no real mascot LOSERS! Oh yeah I said it - exactly how does a TARHEEL equate to having a RAM for a mascot anyway? (btw - Go BlueDevils) Okay, now that I have that out of the way and hopefully, I didn't lose some of my audience by dissing the tarheels...let's talk about March Madness. I mean real March Madness or maybe it's just MADNESS period. 1 - I am just so outdone by this teacher chick who had sex with a 14 year old and the charges were dropped. I mean, there is a big double standard here and it is blinding!!! There are men being charged left and right for having sex with minors (I belie...

We're still Munchin'

Today is Valentine's Day and I am sure alot of you will be getting your fill of chocolate. And while it may taste good, just don't eat to much because you don't want to get sick. Right? Don't we get sick when we over indulge in too much food. I know I do. If this be the case, the why on earth are we still munching on that apple? What apple? Glad you asked. You know the one Adam and Eve chomped down on...the one ol' Satan gave them. That's the one. Genesis 3:1-4 1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" 2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' " 4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 ...

That's Amore!!!

In case you didn't know, next week is Valentine's Day...The day of love or as I like to think of it as the Day after Thanksgiving for Card and Flower shops. Of course, this day has sparked in me a brand new set of reflections that I would like to share with you all, my dear readers. The bible is filled many notable verses that for some reason or another resinate louder in the hearts of man (woman) than others. I like to think it is because there is so much truth in them that you can't help but take notice. For me, there are 3 verses which prove themselves to be true and powerful. And when thinking about the L-word, I find them even more powerful. They are (NIV): 1. John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 2. 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 3. Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be...

If you don't stand for something...

Happy New Year Bloggers! So much has gone on since I last blogged. It seems so much crazy stuff happens so fast that when I think I want to blog on a subject, a new subject comes along and then I am in a torn on whether I should blog on my first thoughts or my new thoughts. Of course while all this is happening something else comes along and the process starts again. Anyway, I finally narrowed it down for this blog. This blog is in response to a response to an email I sent out last week. I sent an email concerning the new NBC show "The Book of Daniel" about a priest, who has frequent chit-chats with an "in the flesh" Jesus, and his dysfunctional family. For those who didn't get it, basically some church folk are starting a petition to get this show banned. Some are opposed to the shows topics about premarital sex, drugs, addictions, sexual orientations, and any other controversial topic, I suppose. Well, I have not nor probably won't watch the show for a few...